How To: White Label

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Marketing Ninja
Mar 26, 2007
Just did a search on the forum for white labeling, can't seem to get an answer.

Question: How do you set up white labeling for your affiliate campaign?

I've noticed that has usually been the case. What has confused me is I see other affiliates using my same affiliate program with white label, but copeac doesn't seem to offer white label. I have even e-mailed the affiliate but got no response.

So generally the affiliate offers the white label. You can't make your own form and submit it to their site unless they have it set up.
The networks usually let higher volume affiliates do white labelling.
White Labeling is where you have on your own landing page with the same form that your affiliate has. This allows you to customize it for higher optimization, and also allows you to track conversions better.

This is much better than having a landing page that just links to another web site's form/offer.
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