How to use long tail keywords with getting screwed on QS

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New member
Jun 29, 2007
Hey guys, I'm still trying to get the hang of Ad Words. I started with a list of 50 keywords and had decent results, but then I heard some people using lists of 1000+ words as that will bring better results. So I used a keyword search tool, took a few thousand relevant terms, and imported into Ad Words. But since my landing page obviously can't contain all 1000+ keywords, I got raped on QS and couldn't use 95% of the new words I imported. How do you guys do it?

split your list of kw's into similar groups, and create different adgroups and alter your landing page accordingly.

thats the basis to it
Yep, you have to split your keywords up into tight, relevant adgroups. Try to use no more than 25 keywords per adgroup and you should be fine.
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