How to test this campaign?


New member
Oct 6, 2008
So I got $100 to spend on my first PPC campaign on adwords which I am planing to bid at $0.30 a click. I will be running this on the content network.

Should I spread the the clicks over a period of a week (47 clicks a day) or 100 clicks a day for 3 days?

Thanks in advance

If your a noob I would avoid the content network. I would also spread the clicks over a week so you can track weekend vs weekday conversions
I would say do it Monday-Friday. weekends generally suck, not to say that they will for what you are doing.

Most anything I have ran or helped run tanks on the weekends.

Here is what I suggest which is something most people do not think to do.

When you are running the offer. Which I am assuming is US split it for each time zone,

Only run from 11am-7pm in each timezone. This is TOP TRAFFIC time on the internet and so it always seems best conversion time.

I would also say that .30 might be a little high depending on your niche.

A good idea is to try and get you CPC down as low as you can.

This is down by having a good quality score. Start out slow and feel out the googles on what you QS is going to be.

I know it doesn't make much sense to some to attack your quality score from the start but I feel doing it from then helps to get you in the habit of doing it,

Keywords, Domain name, header, footer, tos, privacy all should always be in place before you launch anything,

also direct linking is not smart, some people make a profit but making and building your own lander will give you way more options to optimize the campaign in the future.
Different campaigns convert differently at different times of the day and different days of the week. The only way to fidn out for each particular campaign is to test.

Since you don't have much to spend, I personally would spend it all on Friday and Saturday.