How To Target Hundreds or Thousands Keywords in Adwords?

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New member
May 28, 2007
I am doing ok on other PPC sources but not Adwords. I know it is possible to target thousands of keywords in YSM or MSN with only ONE LP even I did not put those keywords into LP. But how you do it with Adwords?

It seems impossible to target hundreds of keywords by using only 1 LP and put all those keywords into single LP. Also I have no idea how to put keywords like competitor website name into my LP. I always group keywords into multiple adgroups with at least 2 common keywords for each group. But most of the time, only 1 or 2 adgroups have quality score greater than 7. Other groups will be either ok or poor quality score.

I have tried to build more than 20 campaigns in different niche still not successful. Any thought?

dynamic keyword insertion

<? $keyword = $_GET('keyword'); ?>

<?=$keyword?> // <-- where you want it displayed

a bit of onpage seo helps QS (keywords in h1 tags etc.)
<?=$keyword?> is shorthand for <? echo $keyword; ?>

it's like leaving the brackets off if/else statements not as easy to read but less to type
Thanks for your reply. Actually i have applied this method to my LP. I even put them in title, meta, alt, h1, b tags but still no improvement on the quality score. So i doubt google will pass the keyword variable when checking quality score.
what i do is create a different page for each keyword then use the page as the injection keyword so:

strip real fleshlights from the $_SERVER variable and insert that.

you can quickly add the keywords/pages using speedppc or equivalent (i have my own tools) then upload via adwords editor. all site traffic is routed via index.php script using .htaccess and that strips the variables and serves the page. effectively they are dynamic sites but to the outside world look exactly the same as a static site. think how wordpress works for example.

you are right in that google does not crawl the dynamic variables but they do and have to crawl the pages ;)

you can really go to town with these types of setups. its a very good reason to learn php if you havn't already
you are right in that google does not crawl the dynamic variables but they do and have to crawl the pages ;)

Is that a fact? You mean passing keyword through a dynamic variable and then injecting doesn't improve on QS cause page doesn't even gets crawled by AW bots?

Google does indeed crawl the dynamic variables. We are talking about Adwords here, not seo. They are not spidering your site, they are simply visiting the page you tell them to visit. I suspect that something is not being done here correctly.

You need to take each of your destination urls for your adgroup (you have more than 1 if you have destination urls for your keywords). Check each of these destination urls in your browser to see if indeed the keywords do show up. Most important here, check your ad's destination url, then think to yourself, does each of the keywords in my adgroup show up on the landing page after i load the ad's destination url.

Also, if you are still worried that google doesn't crawl dynamic variables (they do, check your logs), then you can still use php and variables to create dynamic pages, and then use your .htaccess to change the looks of the links.

For example:

you can use static html link like this:

then use this in your .htaccess:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*).html$2&variable2=$1

Then you setup your landing page on landingpage.php with the 2 variables.
Google does indeed crawl the dynamic variables. We are talking about Adwords here, not seo. They are not spidering your site, they are simply visiting the page you tell them to visit. I suspect that something is not being done here correctly.

You need to take each of your destination urls for your adgroup (you have more than 1 if you have destination urls for your keywords). Check each of these destination urls in your browser to see if indeed the keywords do show up. Most important here, check your ad's destination url, then think to yourself, does each of the keywords in my adgroup show up on the landing page after i load the ad's destination url.

Also, if you are still worried that google doesn't crawl dynamic variables (they do, check your logs), then you can still use php and variables to create dynamic pages, and then use your .htaccess to change the looks of the links.

For example:

you can use static html link like this:

then use this in your .htaccess:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*).html$2&variable2=$1

Then you setup your landing page on landingpage.php with the 2 variables.

Thanks for the answer

I'm setting it up just as you described (with dyn variables). Only difference is that in the ad's dest URL I'm putting just the URL of the website (and not the specific LP). I was under the impression that AW crawls the pages per keyword and doesn't even crawl the dest URL of the ads.

As for the static URLs setup - thanks for the tip! It seems the best option to go for, though seting up tracking (I use prosper202) might become a bit complicated.
Threehundred is totaly right!
I checked my log many times in the past and Google does indeed crawl the dynamic variables.
I wouldn't even waste the time worrying about the static url setup. Adwords, as far as my experience goes, does not care if its static looking or dynamic looking.

However, if you do want to set it up for p202, it would still be easy to do the static url setup. Use the setup I showed above and your links would look like this:


turns into (using htaccess)


This would be in your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*).html$1&t202kw=$2
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