How to stop your advertiser to copy your keywords?

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Sex Sell and so do AM.
Mar 2, 2009
Hi GUys,

I am pretty sure that this talked somewhere in forum earlier but i am not able to find it exactly so thought to put a new thread about it. Basically my question is >>
1) I have an Adwords Campaign and i have designed the ads targetted to long trail keywords, which costs me just pennies per click.
2> My Network pays around $1 for an email submit + name. Pretty sure, my conversions are at 10-25% and i made good bucks for two days.
3> I sent the traffic to Advertiser landing page by doing meta refresh.

Now the real Problem..
My Ad was running for two days and now i see Advertiser direct ad on same keywords.. SO my **Question** to you all is:
1?> Does meta refresh have no value? Can Advertiser see from which keywords he is getting traffic? If yes, how to stop that?

2?> Do you use any script to re-direct traffic and remove all referrers (even keyword stats) from your campaigns?

&& Guys, dont send me to my favorite "make monies" website! Please i need real help from you fuckers. And below are some boobies to enjoy!



Hey there,

It's a real problem let me tell you. And yes, you're right, it's been discussed before. Lots of the big boys are having the same issue. May want to check out this thread for help on how to combat it


You are an asshole fucker. I said no more ponies, let me know if you want to be kicked to a GAY Porn. I am really serious. Somebody atleast answer this.

I am in Affiliate Marketing since 2008, and really don't have good hand on PPC. I do most of the traffic through Google SEO. Please put some genuine links here, Please recommend something that can clear all keyword data and traffic source to Advertiser.

I started imagining myself licking that titty then the taste of a mouthful of sand destroyed the thought.
There are plenty of threads on here about stripping referrer data. What it boils down to though, if "keywords" are the basis for your success, then you're screwed. Any business on the planet can be replicated in terms of where they find customers. It's what they do with them afterward that is so difficult to pull off.
I started imagining myself licking that titty then the taste of a mouthful of sand destroyed the thought.

Dude, same in my mind and hence i put that booby. Else, I was going to post it with "Question" Tag!

BTW, Thanks to all who answered me, i think, i need to goto BlackHat School to solve my problem, and yes, keyword is the base of my success and Advertiser's too; but i don't understand why the helll they copy us, it really screws us at end :hitit_sml:
Dude, same in my mind and hence i put that booby. Else, I was going to post it with "Question" Tag!

BTW, Thanks to all who answered me, i think, i need to goto BlackHat School to solve my problem, and yes, keyword is the base of my success and Advertiser's too; but i don't understand why the helll they copy us, it really screws us at end :hitit_sml:

..yes blackhat school. Fucking retard.

#1 use the search function this has been talked about SO many times.

#2 your screen name is not right.
To cloak your referrer you can use SSL or double meta refresh.

To hide keywords, you can use a script that takes the input keyword, saves it do a database with a corresponding hash/cloaked keyword, and sends the user through the affiliate network link with the cloaked keyword.

When you check your stats at your affiliate network, you will have to look up in the database what keyword the cloaked one really means.

I know PPC Coach's Tracker system does this for you.
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