How to solve this

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Wickedfire Pro Member
Sep 15, 2009
I'm a well reputed member at DP. I know that's not a big thing. I'm selling dofollow blog lists at DP. one of member bought 2 lists from me at DP and sell it here.

I'm the owner of the list, I spent much time to make this one. But this poor guy is selling it here without asking from me.

Please tell what I can do here?


what i don't get is why you're even fighting over a list of sites that aren't even yours. You're selling a product that doesn't actually transfer ownership!
lol. I'm not saying he didn't just dick you over, but really though you're in the wrong business if you think everyone will cater to your whims about a list of 100 or so blogs gets resold.

just get revenge instead!
exactly that is the business we are in, so easy for info products to be distributed over warez and torrent sites, just get over it and start working on with your next project.
man i'd be pissed if i was one of the blogs/websites u were making a profit off of!

So would I, but there is demand for these lists and he has taken the time to put the info together.

It seems like the re-selling has been the result of a misunderstanding and it is being resolved so I'm closing this thread.
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