How to send Form Info but not visitor?


New member
Feb 19, 2009
I have an email submit form that has an "action" value to a page on another website that processes the info. How can I send the info to the page on another website without sending the visitor that clicks submit.

Use javascript and ajax to get or post the data to the appropriate page.
Do you guys have an idea of how to create a script that takes emails and IPs from a data base and submits them to a page on another website for voting every month. and all the user gets is a confirmation email every month. The voting system uses email and IP verification.

Even if i have to run the script manually everyone is fine.
Well you can't just take someones IP magically. Great you have it on file, but not like you could 'vote' with their IP.

Unless of course it was the most retarded voting system ever, and allowed you to submit a users IP manually.
Well you can't just take someones IP magically. Great you have it on file, but not like you could 'vote' with their IP.

Unless of course it was the most retarded voting system ever, and allowed you to submit a users IP manually.

Pretty much, and trying to spoof an IP to a server you have no control over is very difficult.