How to Reduce Bounce Rate

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New member
Aug 13, 2008
For those of you who are trying to build legitimate sites, you know how frustrating a high Bounce Rate can be.

Attached is a GA screen shot of the bounce rate of a blog I updated and some tips that might help you reduce bounce rate on both your LPs and Blogs.


1. Change the colors scheme - Make sure the site matches what the user tends to see in that space. For example if it is finance use blue and green. If it is a skin care blog, use earth tones and lots of white.

2. Hero Shot - Try using people in your design, it will make your site feel more personable.

3. Create a Logo - Most of the time we just have the name of the site in the upper right, but adding a custom logo will make your site look a lot more legit. This does not have to be complicated, but at least use a different font than Arial Bold All Caps.

4. Seasonal Changes - People love to see little hints of seasonality. Just look at how the Google changes their logos every holiday. Your site will look more current and the user is more likely to stick around. It is as easy as adding a pumpkin during Halloween, or changing your background to red or green during the Holidays.

5. Featured Articles - Put your best foot forward and have your best content above the fold. You can create a section called "best of..." or something similar.

Invest in a decent design and make the most of every visitor. Unless of course you have a MFA site then just do the opposite of everything listed.

I don't personally use Google Analytics, but I read that their bounce rates works in the opposite fashion than you've proposed. [source]

Google leaves in tact the traffic that doesn’t bounce and takes away the traffic that does...
Could you clarify if this is correct?

Not sure what you are asking, but I looked at your link and it looks like it supports what I am saying. The lower the Bounce Rate % the more people are sticking around on your website and checking out other pages.

Bounce rate is deceiving in that if your goal is to have someone land on one page and click through to an offer or on AdSense right away, then a high bounce rate is good.

In the case above I was talking to publishers looking to build an audience rather than just bounce someone to an offer or worse yet hit the back button.
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