how to rank in SERPS other than google?

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New member
Jul 19, 2006
I'm getting dozens of searches a day to my music review site from google. This number gets bigger with every new review added. It's really becomming a fairly positive experience...

but for the life of me, nothing is coming through from yahoo or msn or anybody else for that matter. We're fairly well indexed in all the major engines (although google does a much better job of getting the descriptions right for each page).

What can I do to start bringing in traffic from all three, instead of just google?

MSN is very vulnerable to spam. Important things: keyword in domain, no more than one dash, lots of backlinks (offtopic spammy links are fine), fresh content (newer stuff seems to rank more.) I recommend setting up a second site as some of these techniques will kill you in Google.

Yahoo is a mystery to me. I haven't done well in it for at least a year.
yes it's the site in my sig.

The one thing I do know I need to work on is backlinks. It's a new site, so I don't have many yet. Google puts me in the top 10 for dozens and dozens of searches though.

I'm beginning to think Yahoo is just murdering my descriptions. Google will lay out the first couple sentences of a review, and then throw in something with the keyword the person searched for. Their results are very legible. Yahoo just seems to grab random text from my footer and sidebar. I don't know how to fix this.
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