How to Quickly Copy a Profitable Bundle for running ads on Facebook


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Mar 14, 2024
Guide: How to Quickly Copy a Profitable Bundle for running ads on Facebook

Imagine you're a newbie in media buying (the vertical doesn't matter), you don't know the various approaches, what the guys are running in general, and how everything moves here. Then this article is for you, my friend :)
Let's start with finding creatives. For this, you can use various services. I use AdHeart. It's because it's the only spy service on the market with the most extensive functionality. Later in the article, you'll understand why, as there are many parameters for searching. I've tried others, but settled on this one because it's very convenient.

First, you need to decide on the geo that you will research, for example, Poland and Romania. Set it to 1 geo to filter out all the junk right away because only a few people may run ads on several geos simultaneously, and whitehat ads will be significantly more prevalent.

Now we determine the buttons. Usually, everyone sets it on the "LEARN_MORE" button - so let's use that.

Now we filter out the guys who are testing the lead price on new creatives for 1-2 days, and here we set "Running for 3-4 days" to keep the creatives that are performing.

No one usually runs ads on lead forms because call centers can't reach these leads. So let's choose without lead forms.

Now we set the placement platforms, the base being Instagram and Facebook.

by changing the button to install and so on, you can search for ± thousands of creatives in gambling and nutra verticals, whatever you like. But there's one catch...
Among the creative output, at least 80% will be whitehat ads. How do we get rid of them? It's still very simple.
Open Google Translate, translate the words we need - “revenue and investment”, for example, into Polish. And we paste them here, using the “ | “ symbol.

Now we have what we were looking for in the output.
That was one way to trim down all the unnecessary ads.
The second is searching by domain. Since the goal is to make the lead as cheap as possible, and no one usually spends money on domains, everyone uses more or less the same cheap domain zones..|.top|.club|.work|.site|.online|.website, etc
You can search by them, but without text this time. Maybe we filtered out good options with text (there are guys who pour without text).
They can also run ads on website-builder platforms. You can insert their domains into the same field.
ucoz|hipolink||hipolink| etc., I think you get the idea.
Another point, everyone still inserts the FB pixel to pull data into Keitaro Tracker, for example, and to optimize the campaign on FB. So you can also insert pixel designations into this "In Links" field.
or other labels, you can test here

By simple manipulations, we found a bunch of creatives for our desired geo and theme.
You think that now it's cool, you can steal the first creatives and start running ads using them, but there are still tricks here.
You can check all the creatives with a launched FP, IP or link.
And here the fun might begin If the team or buyer doesn't use CloudFlare, you can check all their creatives by clicking on IP)
Everything is clear, dozens of creatives launched for 2-13 days, the idea is roughly understood: investments, brand logo, a bit of catchy text. Dozens in the same style and design, Recently launched - means this approach converts for the guys. We can make something fresher in the same style, with similar texts and off we go.

We've figured out how to search for creatives in the spy tool.
Let's move on to finding the landing (a website page).
To find a landing, you need to take a proxy for your geo and disguise yourself as a mobile device.

To do this, use the most ordinary antidetect browser.
I personally recommend using MoreLogin because it's one of the most convenient and fastest antidetect browser to work with. Be sure to try using it yourself. The first 2 profiles are absolutely free, and the prices are lower than in any other anti-detect. Try by using this link: Antidetect Browser MoreLogin - Best Multiple Accounts Management - Free to Try

Next, set the user agent to some Android.
Sometimes there's also a cloaking by referrer, and the unfilled parameter fbclid= might also prevent you from getting through. To bypass this, insert this before the link:
This way, you'll most likely get where you need to go.
Also, sometimes there are non-aggressive landers that don't cloak at all.
Next, if you've taken a liking to some creative for hypothetical Poland. Click on the link and see the lander. If there's a feedback form - you can fill it out.
What's next? Well, then either do everything manually (creatives, landers) and pour in your own, but with a borrowed and more likely to work idea, or download the lander, change everything for yourself, and launch with everything ready.

Personally, I don't recommend taking everything from the spy tool and launching. Yes, the approach might work, but there are a huge bunch of downsides that will result from this.
It's better to look at the spy tool from the side and create your unique thing, just borrowing the best ideas from competitors.
And I wish you all successful ad campaign launches!