How to protect your original content from those copy & paste (bleepers)


Content Manager/Writer
May 30, 2010
Freakin' Desert
Hey guys,

While I haven't offered my services (yet) I'm a writer over at and my work is all original. I don't copy or paste the information that I need to research, instead I use a thesaurus and spin it to my voice and style. So I don't worry about content there since I get paid to write articles for them.

I am however concerned about starting up my own minisite. I've noticed during my research for I've come across multiple sites that are nothing more than copies of each other - down to every single word in the paragraph. (i.e. top 5 most expensive cars in world - several websites are just copied).

On MadeMan everything has to be original so my work is sound and I want my minisite to be original - so how do I stop someone from copy & paste and set up an identical website with MY words?

It really pisses me off when I come across these user sites. I'm not allowed to use them as references but sometimes they have information credible sites don't.

So how do you guys protect your minisites or websites from these (bleeping) thieves?

Thanks for any and all replies.

from my limited experience it seems like there's not much you can do, and if you could it seems kind of like waste of time to me when you could be doing more productive things.
dchuck - when you're describing the world's most expensive hotel room, you have to list the identical items including ammenities: spa, library, private butler, etc. - there's nothing I can do there but add my personal touch by stating: personal spa room, your own private full-service butler 24/7 and so on.

When it comes to "lists" the items are the same so you have to add more content to make it original instead of looking just another copy content.

Synopsis to movies same thing, you have to keep the original idea of the synopsis but change it to make it more original.

Such as "Run, Lola, Run" synopsis on imdb: A young woman in Germany has twenty minutes to find and bring 100,000 Deutschmarks to her boyfriend before he robs a supermarket.

I changed it to: A young woman races against a twenty-minute clock to collect 100,000 Deutschmarks before her boyfriend robs a grocery store.


Still the same synopsis but not a copy.

When you research articles for movies, luxury living etc., you have to keep the information in tact but you have to write it with your voice, otherwise you're no better than those who steal content.

So it appears no one is overtly concerned that others will steal your content and make money of articles you paid for? Wouldn't that piss you off?
So it appears no one is overtly concerned that others will steal your content and make money of articles you paid for? Wouldn't that piss you off?

You can spend 3/4 of your time filing DMCA compaints to hosts, sending emails to webmasters requesting they take your material down, threatening them if they don't, crying in the shower when neither they or the host responds to you, and just generally waste a lot of your productive time.
OR, you can just work on making your site better than theirs, your links better than theirs, and your profit better than theirs, so you live a happy, stress-free life. ;)