How to monetize a website with 30 000 unique visits/month


learning shit
Oct 1, 2009
I am writing for your ideas and help on how to monetize a website that gets about 30 000 unique visits per month but only makes about 60-70 dollars/month.
It is my understanding that websites with similar traffic often make $300-$1000 monthly.

The blog in question is - i post about 1-2 posts per week but it seems that a large problem for me is that 2 of my posts are having most of my everyday traffic (67% during the last three months according to Google Analytics - see my Google Analytics report (PDF) )
Almost all of my traffic is coming from Google (organic).

Currently I am not using any affiliate products to monetize the website.
My only income for traffic is Google Adsense + 1 link that I am selling directly.

Does anyone have an idea about some affiliate products I could promote or other sources of income I am not yet using?

The posts getting most of my traffic is
Top 10 richest countries in the world (49% of total traffic or about 500 unique visits per day)
Top 10 happiest countries in the world (17% of total traffic - about 150 visits/day)
The rest of my traffic is more or less equally divided among other posts on the blog.

Does anyone have any monetizing ideas? Thanks in advance!

PS! I will let everyone know how a product is doing when you recommend something that I can try out.

suggestions from me:

1. Don't post the full article on your front page, have a "read more..." link to the article. lets eyes follow more for more articles, doesn't appear as a wall of text on your homepage. allows for some ad space.

2. In between article summaries on the front page can be a good place for a landscape format ad. It breaks up between articles, and catches their eyes

3. Your twitter/rss subscribe box draws all attention away from the ad box. If people were looking at the ads at all, they sure looked away with that bright yellow/red twitter box.

4. Credit card affiliate ads, give them a shot.

5. Identity protection affiliates, give them a shot too.

The aforementioned affiliates may not 100% relate to your google traffic, but if you have a low bounce rate, that means people are sticking around for a financial blog.

Also you should look at ads in your RSS feed.
Thanks, that is the first piece of information that could help!

suggestions from me:

1. Don't post the full article on your front page, have a "read more..." link to the article. lets eyes follow more for more articles, doesn't appear as a wall of text on your homepage. allows for some ad space.

2. In between article summaries on the front page can be a good place for a landscape format ad. It breaks up between articles, and catches their eyes

3. Your twitter/rss subscribe box draws all attention away from the ad box. If people were looking at the ads at all, they sure looked away with that bright yellow/red twitter box.

4. Credit card affiliate ads, give them a shot.

5. Identity protection affiliates, give them a shot too.

The aforementioned affiliates may not 100% relate to your google traffic, but if you have a low bounce rate, that means people are sticking around for a financial blog.

Also you should look at ads in your RSS feed.
Fantastic blog! It looks really good. Try promoting an affiliate product. A good one for your traffic would be - This site is free to signup and they offer free training so a lot of people would be interested and it converts well.

Good luck!
slick idea for a site. aside from the stuff mentioned above, have you considered or tried tailoring either mid or end paragraphs to push offers related to each article you write?

ie. if you're talking about ways to go bankrupt, mention that if u're experiencing any of these to a certain degree you could be hurting your credit score without even knowing it, followed by a "its always good to know where your score stands twice a year to look for blah blah blah, check here for a free credit report" etc.

just a random thought
Well, since it's quite late I don't really have much of any suggestion right now other then to try to sell ad space much like Alexa and others do but set a standard price. I think button AD's would go quite nicely on your site. You could probably sell block ads between $35-$70 a month(As long as you continually get 30,000 unique visits a month.) at generally the size of 125x125(Or whatever size you think will fit.). If noone's buying the ad space try lowering your prices. If they sell like hotcakes, it would probably be best to raise your prices. This should significantly boost the income you're making. Also maybe try to learn a little more about SEO(Search engine optimization) as if you're getting 30,000 unique hits a month but only making $70 or so that's a bit low, on my opinion.
I agree - this is a big concern of mine.
The reason for the high bounce rate however is that most people come to my website looking for very specific information from Google - once they got it they usually leave.
The bounce rate of my front page is about 40% so I am rather pleased with that - but since most of the traffic is only on 2 posts (with high bounce rates) - it drives the average bounce rate up!
Anyway it is a good recommendation - I am working on it :)

you need to work on bringing your bounce rate down. 77% is extremely high
Solid advice! I will try your tips (and other's) later next week. I'll let you know hot it's going!

Well, since it's quite late I don't really have much of any suggestion right now other then to try to sell ad space much like Alexa and others do but set a standard price. I think button AD's would go quite nicely on your site. You could probably sell block ads between $35-$70 a month(As long as you continually get 30,000 unique visits a month.) at generally the size of 125x125(Or whatever size you think will fit.). If noone's buying the ad space try lowering your prices. If they sell like hotcakes, it would probably be best to raise your prices. This should significantly boost the income you're making. Also maybe try to learn a little more about SEO(Search engine optimization) as if you're getting 30,000 unique hits a month but only making $70 or so that's a bit low, on my opinion.
You could be a dick and ruin it with biz-opps, I know that'd convert on there. Your audience may get a little pissed after they get cross-sold 30 times and billed a couple hundred dollars every month.
Your site takes forever to load and has problems displaying in my IE. I have no problem browsing today except your site.
What's your IE version? It seems fine with IE 8 in Windows 7.
I also limited the number of posts on a page to 4 (instead of 10).
Hope this makes a difference - otherwise - i have no idea why it takes so long to load.
Any ideas?
Your site takes forever to load and has problems displaying in my IE. I have no problem browsing today except your site.