How to Market using my own Content?


New member
Aug 16, 2010
Is it possible to market products with my own content? I was wondering if there are any free article submission sites that will allow me to talk and sell my product, with my affiliate links embedded into the article?

So people read the article and buy off of it?


come on now man, please go do research before asking this stuff here. There are tons of sites where you can do this exact thing. If they don't let you drop a straight aff link, buy a domain, iframe the offer, and use that in your article.
Is it possible to market products with my own content? I was wondering if there are any free article submission sites that will allow me to talk and sell my product, with my affiliate links embedded into the article?

So people read the article and buy off of it?


Write good article which can help you sell staff, place aff link to the offer. It is against the rules of some article submission sites so buy a cheap domain like, then create simple article on that site and link to it from your submitted article. Once it is accepted and human-revied set redirection on your so anyone clicking on will go instead to aff offer.

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