how to manage a marketing essues....?

What is an essue? Is that like that emmue thingy or ostrich type bird?


Also, is Rohit your really name? That sounds odd to me. Are you a fanny stabber?
The major issues which can have an impact on effective market management are listed here and summarized in this section. These are:

1. Appropriate control of assets;
2. Necessary powers and authority;
3. Effective agreements with market users;
4. Compliance with market rules, contracts and agreements;
5. Economic viability and sustainability;
6. Effective relationships with market users, service providers, government agencies and other markets;
7. Operational and managerial efficiency;
8. Effective decision-making structure;
9. Trained and disciplined staff;
10. Marketing confidence - Integrity of wholesalers;
11. Politics and finance.
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