How to make $XX,XXX from a website less than 24 hours old...


New member
May 31, 2011
That Site That Totally Glitterbombed Your Newsfeed Is Now Up For Sale | Junkee


1. Build ridiculous website Ship Your Enemies Glitter
2. Get featured on Slate, MTV, Washington Post, etc...
3. Convert
4. Exit


Fuck! That's an awesome idea for a site. My friends and I used to do the same shit in high school. We'd walk down the hallway with one of those glitter bottles, and gently sprinkle some glitter on people walking by.

We then stepped our game up from just glitter to glitter and baby powder. Good times.
$9.99AUD for anywhere in the world. Come on, it's Australian Dollars so it's probably only a few bucks for you.

Ok, so which cheeky bugger on WF is responsible for this?

I'm looking at the Vics, all arty with their trams and museums and art and shit.

Edit: Never mind...
brilliant idea haha

"For my 1 year anniversary I didn't know what to get my wife so I bought this thinking it would be funny. It wasn't, I'm now divorced, broke & living with my best friend. I'd like to talk with the owner to get a refund & discuss damages. You can reply directly to this email address."
I'm guessing they want to sell it before everyone realizes they can just send the glitter themselves for cheaper and don't need to use this company?

also I would not use the mail to prank anyone these days, it's a slippery slope,, example;

send glitter to friend = all good
send glitter to enemy = could get sued for harassment, cleanup expenses
send glitter to politician = police report filed, possible investigation
send baby powder to politician = indefinite detention

note: if you are going to do anything thing illegal/ fraudulent better to use ups than postal service,, because using the postal service makes it a federal offense.

>make start up company
>use proxies and vc's to buy your own product
>claim you made $xx,xxx in sales
>sell for $xxx,xxx
instead of glitter how about sending really loud ticking clocks in poorly wrapped packages.


found this: it's a real clock

"err it's just a clock guys,,, jeeeze don't be so sensitive ... hey let go of my arm!,, I KNOW MY RIGHTS !!!!"
did not know people were doing this ,, maybe these people are the ones who are actually paying for the service?


appartently this is not a rare ocassion for romney and santorum. Surprised these people don't get tazed, and arrested. I sure wouldn't dare fuck around like this,, these people must have some big gay balls or a giant angry beaver. Lucky it was just glitter...crazy
I'm guessing they want to sell it before everyone realizes they can just send the glitter themselves for cheaper and don't need to use this company?

also I would not use the mail to prank anyone these days, it's a slippery slope,, example;

send glitter to friend = all good
send glitter to enemy = could get sued for harassment, cleanup expenses
send glitter to politician = police report filed, possible investigation
send baby powder to politician = indefinite detention

note: if you are going to do anything thing illegal/ fraudulent better to use ups than postal service,, because using the postal service makes it a federal offense.

>make start up company
>use proxies and vc's to buy your own product
>claim you made $xx,xxx in sales
>sell for $xxx,xxx

First off, no one's going to jail or getting sued for sending glitter.

Second, there's no way in hell that I'm going to go out, buy a bag full of glitter, come home, fill up and envelope, and then ship it myself.
Wait so how does the glitter actually spread all over the recipient of the package? Is it something like a booby trap that shoots off glitter all over the person opening the package or something?

Any video showing how it works?
Wait so how does the glitter actually spread all over the recipient of the package? Is it something like a booby trap that shoots off glitter all over the person opening the package or something?

Any video showing how it works?

If you stroke the envelope enough it'll explode. It's like getting a facial from sirkon, only instead of jizz it's glitter.
Alright, I just registered these, who wants one?

...I think that last one might be a difficult business to run, but the rest should be quite profitable!
Way to think big guys. Only peasants deal with smash and grab sites like this.

Bet his $xx,xxx is like $12,485, not $95,546. If it was high 5 figures he'd have said how high it was. Better to keep it mysterious eh..