How to make one of these???????


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX
Hello WF !! I recently lost my webdesigner. So I need a little bit of help. I can do some design so I will be ok for now.

Quick question, using the following URL as an example, how can I create the "pop up window" that appears on the page? I've seen this window on a lot of dating landing pages but still can't figure out how to make one for my sites. - Find Someone Today

Thank you very much in advance! Boobs below:


I'd like to know the same thing, without using wordpress, just basic html and css. So I guess I'll just add more boobs.



Thank you BigWill. Any idea on how to make it load when the page is open? (I.E. without having to click on an image or link)... I want the box to load automatically if possible??

Thank you again!

<body onLoad="yourfunction();">

Then show/hide the div using the JavaScript function.

If you want a slight delay... so they can see the content of the page before it pops up, set a timeout in your function.
thank you guys for your input. I suck at coding or playing with strings of code.
but I will play and see if I can figure it out myself. if not I might need to hire someone to do it for me. anyone would be interested in doing this small task for me? o