How to Make Money on Craigslist With Clickbank

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New member
Apr 2, 2007
****This guide involves promoting products from clickbank and they may be ebooks!(yeah yeah i know)****

Well, its about time I contributed something to WF, so here is how I made $59 on craigslist. I promoted a Dog training video program and it paid out $26.29 per sale that date. Oh and by the way, use your imagination and you can duplicate this methods all across craigslist.

1. Create a Gmail Account with A name of something like Dog Training or Dogtrainers and an email adress related to dog training. ( Or wahtever your niche is)
2. Click the settings link at the upper right hand corner of the page, and scroll down and setup your vacation response.

I used this copy for my auto response:

Thanks for requesting more info on our dog training program, it works with all dogs of any age. Why pay hundreds of dollars to train your dog when your 7 step program when our program is only $38.97. If you would like to order the program now click the following link:
If you would like to visit our website click the following link: "Your aff link."
Thanks Again

3. Now go to craigslist and post to these cities in the pets section

4. Make sure you have this ticked or your vacation response won't work!

I used this ad copy:

Title:Best Dog Training Service!

We offer the most effective dog training program on Craigslist. It is a 7 step program proven to teach the following:
1. Potty Training
2. Crate Training
3. Teach Obedience
4. Walk Politely On a Leash
5. Teach your dog to come back to you after your first call.
6. Teaching your dog manners such as not barking
7. Teach your dog tricks such as Shake-A-Paw, Rollover, and Jump
Please Email Us For more information!

Now obviously this guide was only for one product and one category, but use your brain and think of new products to promote in new categories. I also promoted a "Start your own daycare" product in the childcare section. Try different things and always remember to reply to the emails in the sections of craigslist where you cannot use the "Use my email adress as the reply-to" because the gmail response won't work. Good Luck in making some sales.


Ouch looks my images messed the page up...


Yeah its not that much, but I only recently started it, and also i've been busy with other projects. I also posted all my ads manually because I don't have a CL autoposter.
Great tutorial

Great idea thanks for sharing. Imagine if you automate this with a Craiglist autposter assuming you can find a reliable one. Hope you make much bank.:bowdown:
Just a curious question... The affiliate link you posted above leads directly to the order form - Is that on accident? If it isnt - I would rather link someone to the LP than the order form when they have yet to see anything else about the product...
if you've never been to the Rich Jerk Evolution site, there's a 45 minute camtasia video as a freebie on that site about this. I'm happy to see it still works because a few months back all the pet posts with affiliate promotions were getting flagged in seconds. That was with the yahoo vacaction responder, looks like the Gmail one works great. I'll have to go back in there and try it.

Thanks for sharing this idea with us!
How often do you post in Craigslist for the same offer? On a daily or weekly basis, etc.?

I've tried advertising a superbike yesterday with no affiliate link in post. Hoped to get some money from ebay. It got flagged in a few hours... Guess someone didn't like the lack of the cell number....
A small tip...
instead of supernaked affiliate link you can use snipurl or tinyurl, just looks so much better ;)
how do you post in different cities?
after the first one it says

The posting you're trying to submit is very similar to one that was recently submitted:
craigsl ist. org/xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.html

You may only post your listing in one category and on one site at a time.

Craigslist readers strongly prefer not to see the same posting listed multiple times.
Please help us out by not overposting your listing.

If you've lost your self-service email message(s), you can have them re-sent.

Sorry for the hassle, and thanks for using craigslist!
how do you post in different cities?
after the first one it says

Mhm Your right! I did forget to put that in! Use this code in your ad

<span style="color:#FFFFFF">Insert bunches of random text here</span>

If you need random text then go here malevole - Text Generator

Insert random text below your ad copy of every ad. That code will make the text invisible.

Just a curious question... The affiliate link you posted above leads directly to the order form - Is that on accident? If it isnt - I would rather link someone to the LP than the order form when they have yet to see anything else about the product...

No that was not on accident since many people were asking for the price and ready to buy. I put a direct link to the order form there. Below it i put the aff link to the landing page.

And yes, I did use tinyurl to mask my affiliate links.

I posted the ads to the cities I listed only once per day.

Edit: Crap double post.
I applied little modifications to the text in each ad, more or less the same thing you said

I posted my ad in some cities, we'll see if it works
I though this was interesting so I fired up my autoposter and shot out about 50 different cities. After the first 30 post were deleted before I could even verify the posting I shut the whole thing down :eek7:
Are you useing gmail+ accounts? They banned those from posting. Also, you can't use the same ipadress to blast out tons and tons of ads. Use a secure ssl proxy or renew your ip if you got a dynamic connection.
I tried this but with dating offers. I posed as a hot girl looking for a dude. Well, it didn't work out too well. If you put on an autoresponder, the guys got pissed and flagged it. If I sent them out manually, they weren't interested. I guess so many people are doing the same thing, people know what's up.
I tried what you did bandit, the dating spam on craigslist is out of control. Its much harder to do anything in the personals category.
Are you useing gmail+ accounts? They banned those from posting. Also, you can't use the same ipadress to blast out tons and tons of ads. Use a secure ssl proxy or renew your ip if you got a dynamic connection.

Ive been posting craigs for about 6 months now with my autoposter using TOR network and never had a problem. Just seems like the "pets" category is infested with Craig Nazis
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