How to install wordpress on only one page - Please Help!


New member
Jan 21, 2012
I've never used wordpress and I was hoping someone could help me out. I want to include a blog section on one of my static sites. I don't want every page to be in blog format, so I'm hoping there is a way I could just install wordpress on only one page. I also want to create a template so the blog page's theme looks the same as all the other pages. So if anyone could help me out with that as well I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

It shouldn't be that complicated, it basically means simply having your other pages near your WordPress' index file. Your static pages will remain static, and WordPress' index will have the blog functionality.

If you have trouble with this, as the guy above me said, it can be arranged for the right amount of "moniez".

Good luck!
If you're new to wp, AND you want it to match your existing site... you can do it BUT, and it's a BIG BUTT, it will take you a while...

If you just want to play around with wordpress... until you can do things like what you're after, I would def. explore the paid help offer. Or you could pay a ding-dong from odesk.

Ref:How to install wordpress on only one page - Please Help!

I've never used wordpress and I was hoping someone could help me out. I want to include a blog section on one of my static sites. I don't want every page to be in blog format, so I'm hoping there is a way I could just install wordpress on only one page. I also want to create a template so the blog page's theme looks the same as all the other pages. So if anyone could help me out with that as well I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

As you have a static site and you have a cpanel. Just make a folder named "blog" in you cpanel under "public_html" folder. Just check if you cpanel has Fantastico De Luxe, softaculous in advance section. These are CMS installers, go with any one (I prefer softaculous). In that section chose worpress and go with instruction and choose your install desctination as "". Follow the steps it will be installed.

After the installation complete, log to your wordpress admin ( Go to the "pages" in your admin panel. It will show the pages. Just delete the "sample page". Now your blog has only one page(the one where articles to be publish).

As you are novice to WP, I am explaining this way. Other ways are also there like manual WP installation with FTP.