How To Increase Your Adsense Revenue By 100%


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Hey guys, I thought I would share another black hat method with you guys. I know many of you struggle with earning $1 a day but by using this black hat adsense trick, you'll be pulling in clicks that pay over $10 and increase your CTR at the same time.

Again, please don't share this around too much otherwise it will kill the method.

[ame=]YouTube - How To Increase Your Adsense Revenue By 100%[/ame]
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Hey guys, I thought I would share another black hat method with you guys. I know many of you struggle with earning $1 a day but by using this black hat adsense trick, you'll be pulling in clicks that pay over $10 and increase your CTR at the same time.

Again, please don't share this around too much otherwise it will kill the method.

YouTube - How To Increase Your Adsense Revenue By 100%

Implementing these tactics now. Thank you for sharing.

Will report back later...

Can you read this though? Because Im trying to use white text.
Thank's for the tip, even though I'm still in the research and analysis phase of this whole making some of that internet money, which seems to go against everything that I despise about ads/junk mail/etc.

I guess I'll have to join the dark-side of the internet if I don't want to end up in a cubicle prison.

I also bookmarked your site, but didn't see the pop-up ad.
Man that coffee must be good. He drank from it like 10 times in 3 minutes.

Publishers are encouraged to experiment with a variety of placements and ad formats. However, AdSense code may not be placed in inappropriate places such as pop-ups, emails or software.

And white text in a white box is gonna get nailed.
hrmmm, he says he earns $1000/wk yet shows a 3-month $300 check as proof.

i is confused.
Damn, didn't realise Matt Cutts is employed to spend all day trying to find people cheating Adsense.

There you go kids, if you wanna be a blackhat Adsense genius, do it once Matt's gone home and you'll be swimming in cash.

One day Google will be kicking themselves when they realise that they should have employed more than one person to find Adsense cheats and that all the Blackhatters only do their worst when he's at home.
Publishers are encouraged to experiment with a variety of placements and ad formats. However, AdSense code may not be placed in inappropriate places such as pop-ups, emails or software.

And white text in a white box is gonna get nailed.

^^^^^ This.

It only takes 1 person to report your site to adsense and it's a goner. This is not blackhat, it's just a stupid way to risk your account getting banned...
Did anyone hear that the hell the pop-up plug in was called? His poor handle on the English language made it almost unintelligible.

Oh and be sure to use this method outside of business hours, because Matt Cutts sleeps from 7:30pm to 5:52am each night. WTF?
This is not blackhat, been doing this for almost 12 years now, even posted on the Adsense forum asking and Matt chimed in and said it was ok as long as there was a way to close the popup.. ;)