How To Help Your Friends, Family and Community and Then Of Course Make Money From It

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© 1974
Apr 10, 2007
** I know my posts are long but I'm trying to help some of you who are starting to think it can't be done realize that there are a million ways it can.**

I'm sure that internet money makers are just as diverse as people are in general. We come from every corner of the earth and our methods vary even more than our locations. But one thing we have in common across the board is a general knowledge of computers which inevitably leads to people around us always asking for help with computer related problems.

If you are like me, it aggravates you to no end when people think that you are their free "computer guy/girl" just because you are friends. And you probably fantasize about smacking them in the face. (Repeatedly)

I have a philosophy that comes in handy for this situation. It goes like this: "If something that sucks keeps coming up in your life, either find a way to stop it or at least find a way to monetize it."

Since the only way to stop it, in this case, was to cut all ties to family and friends I opted for choice two and figured if I could monetize the situation at least it would suck less.

As usual, I pulled out the notebook and started my mental whirlwind. Several hours, three tacos, two Dr. Peppers, and a coffee later I had four very profitable solutions. (I may have had some Reeses Pieces too... or maybe I just wanted some... hmmm.) Anyhow, today I will share one of those solutions with you.

I had been noticing that almost everybody who constantly asked me for computer help had a certain thing in common when I launched their internet browsers. None of them had ever changed their default homepage and apparently didn't even know how. (Remember everyone is not like us.)

Sometimes it was MSN and some people had their ISP homepage there but one thing was very clear, whatever page was there to start with was still right there. They just accepted it as their starting point, no questions asked.

I knew right then that this was an opportunity for the most intensely targeted traffic I could ever get. I was right too. But when I realized that there were some really high traffic community computers that I could get to, I almost had an orgasm.

There's money to be made from pesky people. I do it and there's no doubt in my mind that you can do it too.

This method also works with people who are not so clueless about home pages as well because you are doing something "nice" for them.

Never forget though, there are still so many computer ignorant people around you starting to use the internet that it's almost scary. Carpe diem.

Here's the to do list:

The first thing to do is register a generic domain that will look good as a homepage for pretty much anybody. I have quite a few. Something like will do very well.

The second thing to do is put together a generic "homepage" layout. This will just be the template that you use to quickly put up custom homepages for people. You can do these however you want but I always make sure to include the following in the template:
a.) a simple header image
b.) a main text area
c.) a link area
d.) adsense ads
e.) adsense search box
f.) a place for affiliate offers
In it's generic form my page ends up looking like this:

The third thing to do is start customizing that template for your pesky friends based what they are really into.
So, for example, if aunt Linda is a Dallas Cowboys fanatic her page is going to look like this:

Just scrape some wiki facts about the Cowboys or whatever the niche is for the text area and see if you pull relevant ads (some niches are too broad but most of the time she'll be getting targeted ads up the wazoo). If not then you can just use your affiliate area to sell anything you want.

Hmmm... now what could we put in aunt Linda's affiliate area? Oh I don't know maybe just anything in the world from the NFL Shop affiliate program. (<- not an affiliate link) There are affiliates for everything. You get the idea.

Now all you have to do is tell pesky aunt Linda that you did something special for her and go change her dusty default homepage to her own personal Cowboys shrine.

Of course aunt Linda has no clue that almost everything on her new home page funnels directly into your wallet but she doesn't need to know. She's just thrilled that her "computer guy" nephew did something sweet for her.

I would never ask aunt Linda to click any ads anyhow, but she's still going to because she's actually interested in them. Go figure. Win/win. At some point she's probably going to start buying things from the NFL shop without my prompting too.

Plus, from now on, if I ever hear aunt Linda talking about something she's interested in I can serve up an appropriate ad right on her home page any time I want.

To top it all off she's most likely going to kiss me on the cheek and thank me for doing such a sweet thing.

Man, sometimes I think I'm the devil.

The fourth thing to do is start whipping these little pages out for everyone who has no concept of setting their own homepage. For that matter, do one for anyone who would leave it in place if you did a custom page for them. Be sure to personalize one for every computer in the house based on it's primary user.

I would certainly recommend doing one for all of your poker buddies with that convenient (cloaked affiliate) link list that leads to every gambling site from Golden Palace to Bodog.

They only take a few minutes to customize. Get creative. Get paid.

The fifth thing to do is start volunteering these free pages to every public place you can think of. If you get them in the right places, you will get steady paid.

I currently have them set up in a community center, hotel lobbies, one library and several assisted living facilities. All "community shared" PC's that launch my page every time the browser comes up.

Here's something important to remember when you type your text body for public computers: Keyword your paragraph wisely so that good ads will show.
For example if you are doing a page for an assisted living facility, don't use "assisted living facility" as your main key word. That will just bring up ads for other competing facilities.
Instead, you could say things about "active seniors" and "benefits for seniors". Do a little testing. It's well worth it.

There are a million directions that you can go with this information. Just pick one and go get your money making groove on.

Is this the nicest thing in the world to do for "friends"?
I don't know. Maybe.

How nice is it for them to call me in the middle of dinner to say:
"I've got an old saddle and I thought maybe you could help me sell it on the ebay."?

Yeah, I'll help you sell your stupid saddle on "the ebay". I'm changing your damn homepage too, dill weed.

Hustle On
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I gotta say it... very interesting, out-of-the-box (cliche term I know) idea.


Too bad my dad is a computer nerd like myself and this wouldn't fly on his machine. But my mom's....hmmm.... :rasta:
You really make some great posts.

I remember back in '99 (I think), I went to my university computer lab and put links to AllAdvantage (remember that paid to surf dealie?) in all the browsers. I didn't change the homepage (would've gotten noticed and switched, which I can't figure out how you're getting past this), I just bookmarked my affiliate link and put a link on the desktop with "Get Paid to Surf" or whatever on the shortcut.

It worked out really well, I made a lot of money off of those idiots at AllAdvantage before it went under.

Anywho, customizing the experience to the user really makes this seem like a great idea. Thanks for the info!
I build and host a community calendar and placed adsense on it. The ads cover the cost of running the hosting. I did it more for the community; however it's nice to know it's not costing me anything to run the site. Long term, there "might" be potential for revenue there if the volume picks up.
Great post! +rep

Worth mentioning as well - Get you your friends turned on to Firefox... through your Google referral link of course!
So not only can you sell Mr. Fitzapatrick's jazz CDs though your affiliate link but you can change his home page. Hustle On
Good post, I'm working on something similar. ALthough I was also thinking of offering this to the members of my forum and somehow integrate it with vbulletin. Hmm we'll see.

Just think about it, any webdesign job you do probably involves putting a search engine on the site and if it doesn't, just say it is a free bonus and tell them its "google powered" , hell if you really want to get into this just offer to create free web sites for people and just say you're a charity or something...or they might get suspicious.
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