How to get Traffic to My News Blog ?


New member
May 2, 2010
Hi There,
I am here with a problem / query of a sort.
Recently I have started a Micro Niche Tech News Blog.
Website is Indexed in Google News but no traffic is coming from there.
Few keywords are ranked and everyday 5-10 people are coming from there.
I am sharing the post in 7 social networks are hardly 20-30 people are coming from that.
Backilinks are also being done, 10 per day but hardly any trafic comes from that, except medium.

So what will be next steps to increase traffic in my blog ?

Note :

1) I am publishing daily 3 latest news, written myself no Copy Paste.
2) Website has adsence approved also, although not much clisks due to less visitors.
3) 1 AMP Warning in Search Console, trying to fix that now.
4) 90% Visitors are from US.

Paid search, social media marketing and display advertising are all excellent ways of attracting visitors, building your brand and getting your site in front of people.
Create Audience Profiles to Understand Your Users. ...
Do Keyword Research to Plan Your Content Strategy. ...
Make an Editorial Calendar. ...
Create Comprehensive and Useful Content. ...
Make Your Content Readable. ...
Learn and apply the SEO basics to your Website.
Learn to Write Great Headlines
Make Internal Linking a Routine Task
Start Generating More Backlinks
Add Images, Charts, Infographs to Create Visually Attractive Content
Optimize Website Speed to Load Your Pages Faster
Start Your Email List Right Away
Explore Other Social Networks
Promote your blog in Social media, it's working. Also, try to promote in Google, learn some SEO basics and apply them to your blog page, or hire experience SEO, who will do it for you
20 Ways to Promote Your Blog and Increase Traffic
•More writing is required.
•Use social media to promote your business.
•Make your titles more interesting.
•Make sure you're aware of your market.
•Photographs should be included.
•Keywords should be included.
•Incorporate hyperlinks.
•Include social media sharing buttons.
•Retweet content from the past.
•Invite people to contribute as guests.
•Include a video.
•Invest in marketing.
•Organize give-away activities.
•Write guest blogs for other people.
•Make a cross-promotional email to your mailing list.
•Use plenty of subheads, bullets, and numbered lists to make your information easy to read.
•Promote your blog in your email signature and in any online profiles where you have a bio.
•Make it simple for visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed on your blog.
•Invite readers to leave a comment, then respond and show that you're interested in hearing from them.
•Last but not least, have fun with your blog. Your readers will notice if it feels like a chore. However, if you enjoy creating the content, it will show and have a significant impact on your success.
Maybe you need to think about paid traffic from Google, you will increase your audience fast
fahrtenbuch: Schluss mit Papierkram

Ein digitales Fahrtenbuch ist die virtuelle Version oder das Upgrade des traditionellen Fahrtenbuchs, das manuell auf Papier erstellt wird. Ein digitales Fahrtenbuch ist als digitale App-Softwarelösung mit mehreren Funktionen verpackt, die seine Funktionalität und Leistung für die Verwaltung von Fahrzeugen verbessern. Ein Fahrtenbuch ist eine digitale App, auf die frei oder nach Zahlung von Abonnements zugegriffen werden kann. Sie können auch eine selbstgemachte Tabelle verwenden, um ein digitales Logbuch zu erstellen. Ein digitales Fahrtenbuch ist hilfreich für die Verwaltung Ihres Privat- oder Geschäftswagens.

Warum brauchen Sie ein digitales Logbuch?

Einfache Dateneingabe
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Mit dem digitalen Fahrtenbuch können Sie Ihre Fahrzeugdaten schneller und automatisch hochladen. Eine digitale Fahrtenbuch-App kann so gestaltet und programmiert werden, dass sie automatisch wichtige Informationen von Ihrem Fahrzeug oder Ihrer Flotte sammelt und sofort hochlädt.

Organisierte Daten
Das digitale Fahrtenbuch eignet sich hervorragend, um Daten optimal und mit hoher Sicherheit zu organisieren. Eine der besten hierfür ist die Software-App Easytrack für das elektronische Fahrtenbuch.

Der Zugriff auf solche Dateien und Informationen in einem digitalen Fahrtenbuch ist einfacher, schneller und sicherer, da er einem organisierten Prozess folgt und von jedem Ort der Welt aus zugänglich ist. All dies und noch viel mehr erhalten Sie mit dem elektronischen Fahrtenbuch Easytrack zur Verwaltung Ihres Fahrzeugs und wichtiger Informationen.

Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie - Fahrtenbuch Vorlage und die Fahrtenbuch App fur Unternehmen
Try to guess posting, you can promote your blog using this strategy. My rankings have gone up after I bought 4 guest posts on Kallisto. You can get high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites by guess posting.
In reality if you are just starting out, you should focus on 2 or 3 methods of driving traffic.
1. create quality content on your website and share them on facebook or facebook groups.
2. create a youtube channel

3. be present in forums or q&a sites
Be consistent with it and you will start seeing results in a short time
It seems like your blog has some real quality and it looks like you are putting an effort in it, so be patient and persistent and work more on attracting the traffic, if you can it would be great to invest to invest some money in advertising and promoting it on various digital platforms, as it will definitely have an impact on numbers.