How to get started in Affiliate Marketing

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Last week Chris sent me a PM asking if I could write a brief article about getting involved in Affiliate Marketing - for beginners. So here it is below, its also on my blog but I'm happy to answer any questions here.

I get a lot of emails from people looking to get involved in Affiliate Marketing asking where do they start, what are the best sites to build etc. So as well as reading my previous blog post for a list of forums and blogs to read regularly I thought I'd put some ideas down here.

What not to do when getting involved in Affiliate Marketing for the first time:

Do not launch a shopping directory style site. These are 10 a penny (including UK Offer) and generally speaking do not make money. For instance, UKOffer has been online for around 5 years and hardly makes any money apart from a few pages that I send traffic through via ppc. There are hundreds of thousands of shopping directory sites on the web, we don't need any more.

Do not launch a cashback site. Again there are millions out there and are full of drawbacks for the novice. I.e. how do you track cashback sales? Sure there is software out there but is it 100% reliable? I wouldn't want to be in your shoes if you have angry members knocking at your door because they didn't receive their cackback from the £2000 plasma tv they bought from your site. Also, lots of merchants do not like "incentive" sites so best just to avoid them.

Do not enter any saturated arena for that matter. Sure credit card, loans, holidays, broadband, mobile phones, insurance and casino sites can be lucrative but they are also really competitive. I'm not saying it isn't possible to get started in these sectors, its just that its really difficult. One of the most common things I see is newbies joining various Affiliate Marketing forums and saying stuff like "I hear there is money to be made in the finance sector, so I've made a site comparing credit cards, can you review it for me?" And 99 times out of 100 it is the same as every other credit card comparison site on the web and won't make the affiliate any money.

Do not start off your venture into Affiliate Marketing by using PPC to drive traffic to your site. I honestly believe this is the easiest way for a newbie to throw money away. Instead wait until you have some earnings from natural traffic and even then *research* as much as you can on PPC before giving it a go.

Do not copy site designs or content. Both can get you into no end of trouble. Be original!

Do not build a site purely for arbitrage. Despite the fact that its incredibly hard to master, I do believe that in time the major search engines will ban them. Instead build quality sites, see below.

What to do when getting involved in Affiliate Marketing for the first time:

Do build a site around a subject that genuinely interests you and that you are knowledgeable about. So many people waste their time building sites around niches/subjects they know nothing about purely because they think that is where they think the money is. One of the golden rules of Internet Marketing is that if you have a site with unique content that gets updated regularly you *will* generate traffic. And if you can generate traffic then you *will* make money. It is that simple.

And with the increasing popularity of blogs and the ease of use of blogging software it is now easier than ever to launch a site/blog. Blogs seem to be in favour with Google too so there are additional benefits to be had by owning a blog. As an example look at this blog about shoes. This is a great way to blog about your shoe fetish and make money!

Another great example is AllKids run by friends of mine. This site started off as a part time project in 1999, and was never designed to make money. Instead it was seen as a gap in the market, an online resource for parents, and basically just a hobby that mu friend did in her spare time. Now in 2007 the site employs 3 full time people working on it and generates around £200,000 (approx. $US 392,000) a month in sales for its merchants. Not bad for a hobby site eh?

Do update your site regularly and persevere with it. One of the biggest frustrations for newbies is that they give up because they haven't made a million in a week or two. It does take time to establish your site, so build it, update it and be patient!

Do mask your affiliate links. Some anti-virus software will block affiliate links and it is in your best interest to ensure that your site and links are seen by as many people as possible. I can recommend this one.

Do research niches. As I mentioned above forget about the popular sectors, instead focus on smaller niche areas. For example do you or your friends or family have any hobbies? Maybe you do but think that there isn't a market online for them. Think again. I generate around 200 sales a day in a specific niche that I barely knew existed. That's 200 sales a day! Go into your local magazine shop, and look for magazines that cater to niche markets and grab some inspiration from them. Read newspapers, online new, blogs etc. and look for future trends/products. There are literally hundreds of ways to find inspiration.

The beauty of the web is it is global and therefore the biggest market there is, and you can tap into it. So when signing up to affiliate networks etc, look for the smaller, lesser known programs to promote. You know the ones that you usually overlook as you have never heard of them? I promise you there is money to be made from these type of niches.

So there you go, a few ideas on how to get started in Affiliate Marketing. If you have any questions please leave them below.

Good post! Actually, I was just reading your blog this morning (us UK dudes have to stick together, you know!) and it was insightful as always.

Not sure I agree completely about the "don't use PPC at the start" thing though for newbies. I'm going to contradict myself here but I think that newbies can be successful in PPC affiliate marketing IF they have some experience of PPC in general. I started PPC with arbitrage and now that I have a grasp of that I'm going into PPC to affiliate.

Ok, I've just read that back and I really have contradicted myself. Ho hum.

Anyway, good post and VERY interesting to read about how UKOffer fares - I've had it in my head for ages that you earn most of your money off UKOffer and not your other sites. I should have known better ;)
I am of 2 minds about the PPC noob thing. 1. if the noob does the research, does the adwords course and finds some solid info - he/she can be successful however there are fundamentals in everything and a noob should learn how to convert organic traffic first. There is nothing better than free traffic
Excellent post Kieron +rep

I was hoping to run into you at ASW, but didn't see you around. Great advice.

I actually started with PPC as well. Doing arbitrage with adsense. If you do your research, it is very hard not to pull a profit on your first run.
I was hoping to run into you at ASW, but didn't see you around

The problem was that it was my first time in Vegas and I was *really* making the most of it. Despite having a full conference pass I only attended the event for 10 minutes on day 1 - and that was to pick up a ticket for the party at Twyst :) I was just too hungover during the day and couldn't face any kind of business talk. Promise I will network at the next one!

Regarding newbies giving ppc a try I do agree that it can be done. But...I would never recommend it as it is sooo easy to get burned and lose your shirt. However, if you are confident enough, have a budget and have done your research then yes it can be done.
Great post Kieron! I've been browsing Wickedfire recently, interesting place and was very surprised to run into a familiar face so took the plunge and registered!

I agree with you about PPC. I got my feet wet learning Arbi here a few months back. I didn't make a ton of money, but I did get a 50% return on what I made.

From there, I jumped into CPA/PPC. Yes, I made quite a few mistakes, but I learned more from that first week, than I did the whole two months I was doing Arbi. In the end, I spent $206 and made $196. I lost $10, but it was worth the education.

Waiting for SEO can be painfully slow. Considering how easy people get discouraged, I wouldn't want to slow them down any more than you have too.
obvious niches aside (credit cards, insurance, everything already mentioned) - how do you determine if a niche is competitive or oversaturated? that seems to be my biggest challenge - finding an area that will generate sales, but not have everyone and his brother already in it.


For me, it was finding something I was interested in that was also paying. Write down on the things that you enjoy reading about, then search for affiliate offers that match those ideas.
obvious niches aside (credit cards, insurance, everything already mentioned) - how do you determine if a niche is competitive or oversaturated? that seems to be my biggest challenge - finding an area that will generate sales, but not have everyone and his brother already in it.


Just do a search for it in Google and if there are loads of sponsored results there, then it will be a competitive niche and therefore prices are probably high. Also, check the prices on Yahoo! as you can see how much people are paying for keywords using their interface and therefore check the competition out.
great tips by everyone here. newbies should not be afraid to make money first of all, ask for the sale in your copy, and focus on writing effective copy. try to do what others do then get more creative once you learn the basics. focus on one effort at a time and build build build!!!


p.s. and yes traffic generally is followed by PROFIT! :)
great tips - i don't know if i agree about arb though...easy for noobs to get the hang of and you see results immediately = more motivation to do better!
i was thinking about doing a niche version of Is a deal/discount site a good idea?

In the UK there is a site called Hot UK Deals which is similar to Slickdeals. The difference is that a lot of the content on Hot UK Deals is user generated. Anyway I think this is great as it really engages and encourages users to post and therefore adds real genuine content.

But is it a good idea for someone new to AM? Possibly, if they had the time and resources available to them. I will say however that to get a site of this size and to get people to participate takes a *lot* of work and time. However, in the long run it will be worth it if done well, as I think these sites have now well and truly taken over the old directory type sites.
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