How to get Ringtones and Prohibited Stuff on FB

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Esteban Panzera

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Well, I found out this and thought I should share.
I tried it for a day and I got 120% ROI on ringtones and on the other 2 days I didn't got any conversion. Maybe you can get this to get you a constant ROI.

Well here is how I did this:

Other Language AD + Cloaking = Ringtones + Prohibited Stuff

Pretty simple :) what I did was submit the ad in spanish and cloaked the page to show a ringtones in spanish site. So you are basicaly getting clicks because of the image you use, what got me the 120% ROI was using an artist image with artist keywords. Example: 50 Cent Image + "50 Cent" as keyword.

Well, this is my pretty noob way of promoting what I want on Facebook, hope someone can give it a better use than me.
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Do you just make the ad a really general ad on like "50 cent" ? Because you cant really mention ringtones in the ad.
you dont mention ringtones, what I put as title was: "50 Cent Tonos" (tonos is ringtones in spanish), and they approved it. With an ad like that I was getting 0.1 ctr
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you dont mention ringtones, what I put as title was: "50 Cent Tonos" (tonos is ringtones in spanish), and they approved it. With an ad like that I was getting 0.1 ctr
i'm sure whosever says that never tried running ads on facebook. No matter what keyword you choose, there's no way it could be less than .05(E.D not even .2) . And how the heck do promote spanish ringtones? In us or spain/latin? Have u ever get your ads up on FB? just asking you..
i'm sure whosever says that never tried running ads on facebook. No matter what keyword you choose, there's no way it could be less than .05(E.D not even .2) . And how the heck do promote spanish ringtones? In us or spain/latin? Have u ever get your ads up on FB? just asking you..

The most stupid answer so far :)
At least take the time to read what I wrote ;)
great idea. i do something similar in a few languages on yahoo and msn. excuse my ignorance, but where does the cloaking come into play. i've never launched a fb campaign, so again forgive my ignorance, but are you cloaking the _real_ ring lander with the spanish one?


- lucas
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