How to Get Around Ad Blockers

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New member
Apr 19, 2007
This may be a newbie tip so the newbies can take it. When displaying affiliate banners on your site change the dimensions by 1 pixel (ex. 467x60 instead of 468x60) as most ad blockers look for the most common sizes. Do this for all the standard size banners. Some people are fucking clueless and have adblockers on (not on purpose) but still have cc and would buy online through a banner. Also what if some geek blocks your ads even though his dad loves to play online poker.. ya know.

err.. for what I know, ad blockers won't block normal banner ads as they will count them as an image with a link.
What they will block are for example javascript blocks that look like ads
A little irrelevant for affiliate markters. People who go so far as to install a firefox plugin aren't going to click on your ad anyway, even if they see it.

That's simply not true. There are countless examples of people sharing computers who do not have the same interests. Also, people who block ads are not super robots who don't buy online. Your ad will stand out that much more and if they are interested they will still click. That's all from me, work to do. Till next time, wf.
like what extreme said.. why the hell would ad blockers block images with dimensions of default ad sizes? I've never even heard of an ad blocker that does that since it sounds like the worst idea ever. Most blockers block javascript stuff like popups.
I believe Norton Anti Virus does for one, but I guess that's not too common. :xomunch:

ever give unsolicited advice:
the fools won't heed it, and
the wise don't need it.
The AdBlocker extension in FireFox is soooo far beyond this it's not funny.
It'll block pretty much anything that's got a referral back to a known advertising group. The list is pretty extensive the last time I looked at it.

Then there's the 4% of the market that's like me that has AdBlocker working in tandem with ScriptBlocker... I haven't seen a banner (except for J-lists) in months!
who cares about banners anyway? Anytime I have a site with targeted banners the site makes shite! I put a few text links in there place and what do you know, money! I don't use adsense, I make my own with affiliate offers, but duh who can't do this?
Yeah I guess I should have mentioned this tip is for people with enough traffic that small changes make a noticable difference in income. If you are doing say 500,000 uniques a day.
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