How to find local sites running AdSense?

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New member
Jun 26, 2006
Would like to test one offer with AdWords Placement Campaign. It is a locally based offer valid in one State only.

What are the ways to find local sites running AdSense, say, in Florida? Thank you.

You can target placement targeted campaigns by state. Isn't that a better option than looking for a local site which surely gets also some 'non-local' visitors?

This is something I was going to work with today. You simply replace the string query with "used BMW Oakland" and let it rip.

I'd put a textbox on it first. I"m going to work with it today. If I make a good edit, I'll post.

EDIT: The code isn't mine, it's a direct link to another post, the URL didn't come through and it may appear that "I" wrote the code, not so.
it is my code, and I will supply the entry box in a few.

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