how to find all sites by adsense pub ID

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New member
Jun 3, 2007
Looked around just for a sec and was not able to figure this one out. I'm thinking of something similar to AdsSpy. I'm not looking for anyone to program it or anything, got that under control. I'm looking for advice on how to get some search service to return all sites by publisher ID

No crazy query on google (or many other engines) will return results when searching for pub-0005417263254961 or whatever. The ID is in the source code so it should be able to be found by some means ... I think building a custom spider for this might be a bit of an overkill.

Any suggestions?

not possible. it's been asked since adsense started. no search engine lets you search source x/html though lately i've heard someone mention amazon search allows it. i haven't looked into it
The SEO Quake plugin will show "x other sites with this adsense id" - might be useful.

Thanks for responses, I looked into amazon and was unable to find any way to query for this.

Hippy, that solution would be perfect as I can probably take a look at the javascript and reverse engineer what I need out of it. I found the option in seo quake >> preferences >> plugins >> AdsSpy but was unable to figure out how to view it from the toolbar or right clicking on the page. I've got it enabled in firefox but no dice.

One potential problem is that this probably just sends you to AdsSpy as part of an affiliate program or whatever (dp does this now). I'm looking to directly compete with them so signing up for an account and doing it that way is really not what I'm shooting for.

Any other suggestions?
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