How to edit ASPX files?


Too Proud
Apr 7, 2007
Can a text editor and FTP mess up .aspx files? A client asked me to change a telephone number on his ASP/MSSQL site and boy did some odd things occur after I tried.

Can't figure out if it's me or the developer. There was a bug in a form he's designed (not fatal), which did something more serious after I edited the files.

Then, when I uploaded the old files, I got a compiler error or something. Colour me confused :eek7:

You can edit the static portion (the part not between <% %>) of the ASPX file with a text editor and be okay. FTP won't affect it. You must have changed something within the code portion if you're getting a compiler error.

If you want to copy/past the the line changed (as well as a few above and below) I can tell you if you fucked up the .NET portion of the page.