How to earn money online


New member
Nov 11, 2010
Hi all,

I want to start earning great money online, but I have less knowledge in e-commerce and website stuffs. I was wondering if you could share some hints and tips here, and if I would hire for people that are experts in these, around how much will it cost me? thanks

  1. Earning money online is different for every person
    • Your time management skills are different than everyone else
    • Your drive to succeed is different than everyone else
    • Your ability to take abstract concepts and apply them in new, innovative ways is different than everyone else
  2. Everyone's cost is different
    • You may know some coding, that lowers the cost of entry
    • You may know some graphic design, that lowers the cost of entry
    • You may know some good marketing practices, that lowers the cost of entry
    • You may know some SEO, that lowers the cost of entry
    • You may not know any some or all of the above, so you'll have to outsource it, that raises the cost of entry
    • You may have issues finding a good person to outsource, so that'll raise the cost of entry until you find the right person
    • You may have success in the beginning or 1+ years from now, that raises your cost of entry while you have your trial and error phase
  3. You want tips, but yet you don't want to look at all the free information already provided
    • In this very forum, there's a sticky with a brief game plan for getting started:
    • In every forum there are already tons of stickies to teach you how to make your first dollar online or give you other excellent concepts to start you off
    • You haven't used the forum's search feature
    • You haven't used Google
    • You have to help yourself before asking such broad questions
Now, since I'm feeling generous, have a gander at this screen shot and pay attention to the search query, because it'll serve you well in this business for narrowing topics down by relevance.

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Sorry, if i've been a lazy ass. But thanks for the response though.
You see, I am interested in building a website where I can offer tutorial services or question answering like in, what do you think are the few things that i need to put on the website? like a payment method, etc...
sorry if i'm being a dumbass.
It sounds like you haven't taken time to flesh-out a business model and done the research for your market. Before you even "consider" starting the process of developing a website, you need to ask at minimum, these 3 questions:

  1. How much time am I going to have to invest after this site is up?
    • You spending even 1 hour a day after the site is launched distracts from pursuing other online opportunities.
    • You having to spend 5+ hours a day means it's become your "job". Time is money, and 5+ hours a day means you have some seriously lost opportunity costs for other passive income.
    • You might end up having to hire someone to help manage it, or even a team - that eats up your profits.
  2. How can this be monetized?
    • If you have to think for even a minute about how people would be willing to pay money for the product or service, that says something.
    • You should be able to think up at least 3 ways to monetize a website. You earn more and if one method goes bad, you have other ways to keep making the site worth investing in.
  3. How am I going to get traffic?
    • If you don't have traffic, you don't have money. Why would someone want to come to your site?
    • Are you going to rely purely on search engine traffic or will you be advertising? Both eat up your profit.
      • Some sites require xxx of visitors per day to make any money
      • Some sites require x,xxx of visitors per day to make any money
      • Some sites require x,xxx of visitors per day to even attract a decent user base to contribute content since not everyone who visits a website will care to contribute.
If any of those questions make you hear "fuck" in your head, don't pursue it.

I strongly suggest that you sit down and think about what it is you want to accomplish.

  • Where do you want to be 6 months from now?
  • Where do you want to be 1 year from now?
  • How much money do you want to be earning?
  • Do you want it to be a passive income, or one that you have to spend time on to make any money day-to-day?
  • What about your budget?
  • How much money can you afford to spend on making an idea happen?
I suggest you read over these three pages and apply those concepts into figuring out what it is you want from the site (should you still choose to pursue it) before you invest any more time in it.

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A strong plan is the key to success. Without it, you get lost and have no measurable way to determine if you achieved the goal, fell short, or what to learn from the experience.
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first of all you need to know search engine submission and link building......then you can proceed further....

Why would you bump an obviously dead thread that hasn't had a reply in almost a month with horribly generic information?

Neg rep to you, sir.

If you're going to bump a dead thread, at least make some effort, you post count whore.
Read and learn, everywhere where they discus the subject you are interested in, as much as you can. If you will think that you know it all then find out what you don't know. Then practice and never give up and finally be the master. It all has it's price, time, a lot of it. </Best tip I can give u>
most important advice: dont buy any fucking ebooks! download some for free if you want to see what the gurus are peddling, they will hopefully get you thinking about some ideas of your own.
Rexibit, thanks for the info. Framing a plan before you jump head first into random "methods", campaigns, etc. is crucial. And don't buy into all the bullshit get rich quick schemes. Sounds cliche, I know, but it's easy to get sucked in by all the guru copy. Which brings up another valid point -- write solid content and you're already on your way.
My suggestion.

Check what guys sell here and services here. Then choose one which you have taste in. Never strech your hands for many things. Start with one by one. Make sure to one till you have regular income then move on to select next.

I started with Directory Submission service elsewhere and then learn more things and then moved to higher things.

Nothing is easy, but dedicate yourself.

All the best