How To Dye Your Hair Orange


New member
Jan 7, 2012
[ame=""]Dinka TribeTakes Cow Urine Showers To Turn Hair Orange & Lactate Cows - YouTube[/ame]

Damn can't stop watching, videos linked afterward are pretty good too:
Kind of reminds me of information I've retained for some reason.
Tanning hides will commonly use urine or animal brains after the hide has been scraped and stretched.
I've never tanned a hide, but dammit, you never know when that info might come in handy.
OK I will give it... gross. BUT as long as the kidneys are working properly that is the least contaminated fluid they have access to.
... and the rush is on to produce the Bovine Fleshlight, because not every Dinka has their own cow.