How to do a redirect that splits traffic between two pages?

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Press Releaser
Apr 12, 2008
Troll Forest, AR
Have searched the forums and can't find what I'm looking for although I may have overlooked it.

I just want to do a really simple A/B redirect, so that when I send traffic from yahoo answers or similar places, it hits a page on a site that i own; then half the traffic goes to some kind of pre-sell page and half goes straight to the offer.

Seems like something that would be simple to figure out, but I haven't figured it out yet. I've done some really basic jury-rigging in my wordpress templates to create new fields and drop-downs with various fields etc. but that's about the extent of my php knowledge thus far.

Is there something simple I can do here or do I just need to hit a php forum/tutorial to figure this kind of stuff out?


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