How to do a fucking "{" on a mac?

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Which mac keyboard are you using? The old wireless version, or the new wired version?
wow i actually know this
\ = alt + shift + /
{ = alt + (
} = alt + )
[ = alt + shift + (
] = alt + shift + )

AZERTY keyboards are a pain in the ass for developers.
My Macbook and 2 PCs all have that symbol in the same place...
Yea dude, I've got a Macbook too the keyboard is exactly the same as pc and it doesn't have that stupid fucking windows key.
Yea dude, I've got a Macbook too the keyboard is exactly the same as pc and it doesn't have that stupid fucking windows key.

same here. I love macs but i use pc's out of necessity. my macs have the same keyboard as my pc's.
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