How To Deal With Scammer


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Starting to get kinda pissed as this guy has been promising me reports "tomorrow" "when I get home" "in a few hours" etc for weeks and he's dropped off the radar since the last couple of days as soon as I threatened solving it through paypal so I'm pretty sure he's taken my money and run.

The guy wouldn't even show me a single site that he'd built he just kept promising the report which never showed up.

Here's the service:

I ordered the most expensive package - 50 DEDICATED - on 05-30-2012. Was told the package would be completed 19th - 24th June.

What do you guys normally do in this situation? I paid via PP. Should I just file a Visa chargeback?

Gonna PM the 3 members that may have ordered from the thread too.

Step 1 - talk to the other people who have ordered from him/her since you know who they are. It's possible they are scamming you, but more than likely they just took on more than they could handle. Find out if others have received the services they paid for.

Step 2 - If it's closing in on the end date when you can file a dispute with PayPal, file the dispute. It sucks for everyone involved, but I think you only have something like 60 days from the date of purchase for an actual dispute, otherwise you have to do a charge-back dependent on the rules of your credit/debit card. There is no service in the world that should take 2 months to see at lease some work being done on.
Micro site (Dedicated blog post)

Step 1 - talk to the other people who have ordered from him/her since you know who they are. It's possible they are scamming you, but more than likely they just took on more than they could handle. Find out if others have received the services they paid for.

Step 2 - If it's closing in on the end date when you can file a dispute with PayPal, file the dispute. It sucks for everyone involved, but I think you only have something like 60 days from the date of purchase for an actual dispute, otherwise you have to do a charge-back dependent on the rules of your credit/debit card. There is no service in the world that should take 2 months to see at lease some work being done on.

For some reason (possibly lack of coffee) I added another month and just realised I am within the dispute period (which is 45 days - could have sworn it was 60 too!) So just started a dispute, thanks!

Heard back from igl00 who said he asked for a review and the seller never replied and another guy who said he got 10 sites done but is still waiting for him to push them and give him login details so guess if it's taken the guy that long to do 10 I have no chance.

Ah well, hopefully PP will be kind.

This font is very nice. I was hoping for 50 blogs all using this font.
OK turns out he has pulled his finger out thanks to this thread and a PP dispute so only fair to mention it here. He is NOT a scammer, apparently he just lacks communication, time-keeping & choice of fonts.

Over half the work has been completed so far.