How To Create Image Tracking Pixel


On My Path To Mastery
Dec 7, 2008
los angeles
I have a tracking code that's for this visual website optimizer software. The code is something like this:

<script type='text/javascript'>
var _vis_opt_account_id = 3464;
var _vis_opt_protocol = (('https:' == document.location.protocol) ? 'https://' : 'http://');
document.write('<s' + 'cript src="' + _vis_opt_protocol + ''+_vis_opt_account_id+'&url='+encodeURIComponent(document.URL)+'&random='+Math.random()+'" type="text/javascript">' + '<\/s' + 'cript>');
<script type='text/javascript'>
if(typeof(_vis_opt_settings_loaded) == "boolean") { document.write('<s' + 'cript src="' + _vis_opt_protocol + '" type="text/javascript">' + '<\/s' + 'cript>'); }
// if your site already has jQuery 1.4.2, replace vis_opt.js with vis_opt_no_jquery.js above
<script type='text/javascript'>
if(typeof(_vis_opt_settings_loaded) == "boolean" && typeof(_vis_opt_top_initialize) == "function"){ _vis_opt_top_initialize();
vwo_$(document).ready(function() { _vis_opt_bottom_initialize(); }); }

The problem is I can't give any network to put this on the thank you page. So I need to turn this into a simple pixel they can just place like calling an image.gif or a post back pixel (which I'm not really sure how it works).

My question is, how do you create an image tracking pixel for something like this, or if someone wants a quick job, I would pay you for you to do this.


no luck huh?

I would ask visual website optimizer support if they offer a tracking pixel, I don't think they do but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Other than that you would need to work out what is being called by the Javascript and then use that as your tracking pixel (that is of course if they are straight calling a page or image and not being funny with the data they send).
youll probably need to make it an iframe pixel, and hope whatever networks you're talking about allow it.

what kind of network doesnt allow JS pixs?
I'm facing the same problem.
I created a goal (user visits site), put the VWO code into an html file (https://trackingdomain/conversion.html) and set it as iframe in the backend of Hasoffers.

When I access the conversion.html, the conversion gets tracked. Real conversions however do not show up.

What the fuck is wrong with this shit?
Just guessing but it might have to do with iframe cross domain restrictions.