How To Create High Volume, High Converting Landing Pages


New member
Oct 17, 2006
San Diego
For those of you that don't read my blog i figure this is worth a good read and it's just a reprint from my blog I wrote last night. I feel like we need some good content after all the mud slangin that's been going around here lately.

Due to the changes in the rebill space I’ve been spending a lot of time researching what’s going on in the rest of the online marketing world. As you know Ads4dough has changed a lot to lead generation, pay per sale and different free trial billing model affiliate offers lately. Due to a lot of the drama in the continuity space we’ve decided to really focus on growing out lead gen, mobile and pay per sale affiliate offers. Being focused on continuity based offers for almost 2 years straight I really wasn’t following much else that was going on. And honestly it’s pretty crazy what you can find if you just spend a little time looking at what people are doing. There is definitely a huge world out there outside of rebills.

When I start thinking about researching there’s a couple of ways I like to go about it. Because we’re primarily focused on offers that can bring in large amounts of traffic and dollars we’re not really looking for the small niche based offers. I’ve always been a firm believer that if you’re going to spend the time getting something to work, then pick something where the sky is the limit. There is no reason to spend a bunch of time making a niche that can make you $200 a day eventually if you ask me. Sure $200 a day is great but if you picked a niche that could make $10,000 for the same time invested why not?

Based on that we’re going to look a few places that get the most high volume and diverse traffic there is.

  • Display Buys
  • Social traffic
  • Super High Volueme Keywords
  • Premium PPC
  • PPV
If you’ve been in this business for a while I’m sure you make your rounds, checking what’s running on the platforms you’re running on. Try and expand them. For those of you that don’t know Display buys are banner ads on sites. These are typically broad demographic targeted banner media buys. Much of this inventory is bought in bulk and then optimized out to the good sites. Super high volume traffic. Social traffic is great to look at also. Get 4-5 accounts to a social network site you want to advertise on, say Facebook or Myspace. Then log the ads that are hitting a lot of those accounts. These are going to be more broad demographic converting offers. And the list goes on. Of course we can just take these offers from these traffic sources and try them on one of these others. But I think we can do better.

Lets play with some ideas for high converting presells. We know that if we’re going to buy on high volume traffic sources we need stuff that appeals to a lot of people. Right? So the more something appeals to people or they are looking for it the better chance we have at converting. We just have to know what those know what those things are and then find or tie and offer into them.

I think a great place for finding out what is the most interesting to the broadest amount of people in the world would be number of searches conducted for a keyword. If a lot of people are looking for it then that probably means when they see a banner ad, ad on a social network or pop under they’re more likely going to click. Makes sense huh? I hunted around for a week and this is the best list of keywords in order I could find.

[ keyword list on blog to long for here, ]

As found here: Top Word List ( no idea how accurate this is, but good enough for what we want

It’s not perfect but it gets the job done. Also another great tool I found while poking around for this list is the Google Insight Tool this can give you the top 50 searches based on some keyword or just the general internet for a time period. One thing you realize is that a lot of people are lazy and type domains in google rather then the address bar. But we’re going to ignore those.

So we have this list of keywords, what now? Lets start thinking of some types of presells.

  • Blog
  • News
  • Quiz
  • Review
  • Graphic
That’s just to name a few we can also look to build things specific for a keyword but maybe I’ll cover that in another post. Take a good hard list at the top 50-100 items on that list. Now we know those are appealing to a lot of people because they search for them. And they can be used for different types of landers at different times. For example we see “dogs” is up there pretty high and we know people love their dogs. Could it help to use a dog in a blog story or a new article? What about a quiz on the frontend of a mobile offer about dogs? Like the IQ stuff but all dog focused. How much do you know about dogs? Can you see the creatives running with puppies on them? Do you think that might get some clicks. Of course dogs might not work to well on review but you could definitely integrate with a graphic lander as well.

Thinking about building an offer? You have a lot better chance of it being a smashing success if you make it appeal to some of the top words. Toolbar installs? I see games way up there guess who owns that term really well? That’s right Gamevance, they do installs and sell it on trafficvance. Weather and jokes are right close and would probably make for great toolbar install words as well. Speaking of weather how about hottest/coldest temperature type quiz for your city. You could probably aggregate that data from somewhere pretty easily and make it target the city the user is in, or close to, so it’s relevant to them. Do you know the coldest day in your cities history? Hahaha keep in mind I’m just writing this off the cuff at 1:30am so who knows if this will work but I’m guessing there’s a pretty good chance it will.

If nothing else I hope this got your mental juices flowing. Now get out there and test something new that’s the fun of this business.


Smaxor, you are one of the more professional guys in our industry which is lately full of "ballers" and "gangstas".

Good job man.
Wow, WF still has some members who do something besides talk bullshit and shoot down other people every chance they get... Good to see.

I like the direction you are going in Smax, we have made a shift recently in our long term business model as well. The whole key is to be creative instead of copying everything you see all the time which unfortunately is what about 80% of affiliates do day in and day out. Yeas you can make some cash like that but you are always chasing someone who is making much more by being innovative.
God damn it smaxor, I feel like a moron for forgetting to add your blog to my list of daily reads. It was there, but after getting my new computer and setting up my bookmarks, your site was skipped. I didn't realize it till now.

Sorry about that.

It has been rectified.
+rep for potentially getting some affiliate marketers out of a rut. It's always good to re-read stuff like this just in case we forget our roots. Copying the success of someone else is a surefire way to always make less money than the first guy... unless you innovate.
I consider Premium PPC the Pulse 360 & Adsonar's of the world. Where you're doing PPC mostly but not really keyword based.