How to build facebook botnet with 1 000 000 friends? My diary of the struggle.


Facebook Guru
Dec 11, 2012
Russia, Siberia

My name is Rocketmedia, i am a guy from Russia,Siberia. Yeah, we got a pretty stable internet connection there, so we also do internet marketing.

I have a little expience in social media, i work in this niche about 3 years. I've started from simple socialnets like soundcloud and livejournal and i tottaly knocked them out. Now i am working with two huge social nets: and (russian clone of facebook, but much better).

Now my target is to create 2000-3000 facebook fake profiles and gain about 1 000 000 friends of them. It was about three mounth since i've started doing this. At this moment i have about 1,5 accounts with +600k targeted friends on them.

What are my plans? I want to sell music from these accounts and promote a fan page of a russian musician who sings on english. After that may be Nicky Minaj will call to ask if i can promoto her shitty music, who knows?

So there i plan to share with some of my tricks and techniques of promoting and money making. Also i am expexting to hear from you some helpful andvances.

Let's go!


How do you build all of these accounts in bulk? I think Facebook requires an ID to create a new account now.

How do you build all of these accounts in bulk? I think Facebook requires an ID to create a new account now.

I am about 5 years in social media bussiness. I've started from the bottom and i always in need to buy new accounts from different sellers. It was so hard that i decided to produce accounts by myself.

So i have a great experience in that, in this case i know enough to avoid facebook security system. Facebook only asks me to verify my account by phone and i have no problems with that. All my accounts PVA (phone verifyed accounts).
What is the best addition to drink with vodka?
How do you go about getting friends?
What scripts do you use to interact with facebook on a grand level?
Api, apps or custom script? Custom script in what language?
Why does every Russian girl want to meet with me in my neighbourhood?

I know quite a few Hungarians in the UK, why do they like this song about Russians stealing tanks?
Yes but if the only people who add you aren't really your friends nor interact with your posts, a vast majority of them will never see your status updates and posts because of poor social performance. FB algo is a bitch.

What happens if a large chunk of your network goes down?

Do you use these accounts to do any messaging or only use them for Liking fan pages?
What is the best addition to drink with vodka?
How do you go about getting friends?
What scripts do you use to interact with facebook on a grand level?
Api, apps or custom script? Custom script in what language?
Why does every Russian girl want to meet with me in my neighbourhood?

I know quite a few Hungarians in the UK, why do they like this song about Russians stealing tanks?

1. Dark bread with spring onion.
2. First i've created a lists of targeted friends from related groups and pages. Then i've just started to send them friend invites and because my profiles looks amazingly good a lot of people accept it.
3. I use my automated templates i created in Zenno. I took me about a year to do that.
4. May be they want to marry you and live legal in the UK?
5. Because there is a vey popular patriotic song called "Katysha" with the same melody on Russian. This is the song about WWII, about how girl whoose name is Katya (Katysha) was waiting for her second half on the river shore. And she was crying and reminiscing...
Yes but if the only people who add you aren't really your friends nor interact with your posts, a vast majority of them will never see your status updates and posts because of poor social performance. FB algo is a bitch.

What happens if a large chunk of your network goes down?

Do you use these accounts to do any messaging or only use them for Liking fan pages?

Yeah, i see this problem with facebook. That is why i created a system i called "Relations". This is special template that like random news, photos and pictures of account's friends. I have a list of friends for each account, so no one of my friends will be ignored. They all will get their likes and signals from my fake profiles. And believe if you like somebodyes photos, 90% that he will visit your profile and push the like button on something from your timeline.

There is a little risks that account will be banned, but lets face it, i have 1.5 account that work fine on daily basis. And i am able to create 10k if i want, and i am about to do that. My point is if you what to do and how to do it right , nothing could happen with accounts.

I use them for messaging and for lining either ;)
I already created "Like friend's news" template. And it works awesome! The involvement is really improved! I got tons of likes and shares on my profiles timeline's posts. That type of feedback is what i was always dream about, it's a real relations between my profiles and audience.
I already created "Like friend's news" template. And it works awesome! The involvement is really improved! I got tons of likes and shares on my profiles timeline's posts. That type of feedback is what i was always dream about, it's a real relations between my profiles and audience.

Wow, what you're doing is amazing: 1.5 million accounts?! What sort of results are you getting with monetization?
Wow, what you're doing is amazing: 1.5 million accounts?! What sort of results are you getting with monetization?

)) not 1,5 million accounts ) i thinks it will be about 10% of all fake accounts on facebook

i have about 2,5k at the moment. my goals is to sell 10 000 copies of the album on iTunes (100k $), get 100k folloewers, and 5-10 millions views.
I created new feature that must blow up my traffic from facebook. I created a private message system, so now my accounts can talk as real human beings. I don't plan to spam people with some bullshit, i plan to share with people everything cool and funny to make them feel good. And yeah sometimes i plan to send them my music videos. So imagine what happend if 1 000 000 people received a good looking music video and for example 1% of them will share it? It's supposed to be 1kk views and 10k shares at one day.

I will try the system soon, i will let you know how it's going.

It really works! We are getting paid for our music everyday!

We launched our promotion from music video clip on youtube. My Facebook Pro System giving to us about 5-10k of daily traffic, so it wasn't a big boom (like 1 000 000 per day), but we're growing smooth and getting real views, likes and comments.

The thing is - i turned on PRIVATE MESSAGE system, so 2 500 accounts asking their 1 000 000 friend to watch the video, share it and donate us/buy album. I was afraid that it could be dangerous and was waiting bad aftermath, but everything is ok.

It was hard at the first day, we were fixing a lot of stuff that we didn't end up earlier. In two days we totally upgraded the full system which contains about 15 templates. So now i am on my way to 100 000 views, 10k real fb page likes, 3k bucks. That will be the first step of this game that needs to be completed.
Man, the setup of the whole system and the monthly expenses must have broke your bank account lol. But you are already getting the end results.

Out of curiosity, what are the monthly expenses on proxies and so on? Did you have people making these accounts?