How to bring this up...


New member
Aug 27, 2013
I'm new to paid advertising & launching a campaign tomorrow.

The offer I'm pushing is a $5.00 CPA offer on a reliable network. However, I stumbled across a network on that had the same exact offer for $8.00 instead. Does this happen a lot? Do I tell my affiliate manager I want $8.00 too?

Will you take $5 on reliable network over $8 on network you've never heard of?


Couldn't hurt to contact them about it. Try emailing them and see what they say in regards to the other offer paying out more. If they reply negatively then look more into the other CPA network and see if it's legitimate and actually pays out. If you can't find out anything about it then just go with the reliable CPA network, just my 2 cents.
You could always ask for a bump, but if they're not budging and you know they're on the up and up, you could try and split test the offers. Even though it's the same offer.

Some networks and advertisers, based on which network is pushing their offer, will scrub your leads in order be the "top paying" network out there. So in reality the $5 payout could potentially make you more.