How To Bill For SEO/Link Building/PPC Management

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
I've never really done consulting before so I'm new to the whole concept and I'm a little confused about what and how I should charge this client. I'll be doing various things for them, including: link building, SEO, PPC campaign management, managing their affiliate programs, content creation. I'll be working on just one of their sites at first but then dealing with three of their sites after a month or so when they finally launch their new products.

Since I'm going to be doing so many different things for them I'm really not sure how I should bill them and what to bill them e.g. I think SEO and link building stuff is worth more than the PPC and affiliate management stuff because that won't require as much time or energy once everything is setup.

Should I charge hourly and keep a close eye on exactly how much time I'm spending on this? Should I setup a monthly or bi-weekly fee for my services? Or is there another way that you suggest I should be thinking about doing it?

Thanks for any insight guys!

Just make sure that they pay you more money than you would working for yourself -- and don't tie anything to performance.

Also be very careful about how following up is included in the contract. Way back when I had a web design business with a friend. Making the site was easy, 90% of the work was the client calling and asking all kinds of questions. My business partner still gets contacted to this day.

The most comfortable way to do it is just say its $x,xxx per day, on day 1 I will do a,b, and c, and on day 2 I will do d,e, and f. Additionally as a consultant you shouldn't really be doing the work yourself, but just tell them what they should be doing themselves. That means writing up an instructional document or training their employees.
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