How to Avoid Smart Pricing?

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
I was just wondering how you guys(especially arbitragers) are able to avoid being smart priced to death. I'm not sure, but I think I have been hit a bit by smart pricing. i cannot die!:anon.sml:
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Smart pricing is something introduced by Google Adsense. Here is a whole article on it: . To put it into simpler terms, if there is a site that is able to get a lot of its visitors to click on its adsense, but then once the visitors got to the adsense advertiser's site did not click through on their products, they are able to relay that to Google, which in turn is able to make your cost per click go down..quite dramatically sometimes too. I believe if i heard correctly, if you get smart-priced for one adsense ad, it affect your whole account.

or in even simpler terms, Google like to screw us
Not sure there is any practical way. The only idea I'd imagined could work would be having a different account for each site, but that would be a real pain having all those different corps, bank accounts, and addresses.

You could also use YPN
for YPN do you NEED an invitation? I haven't given them much thought at all because if i need an invitation, screwed=D i have no connections.
The only way out of it is to have at least one legitimate site in your adsense account. Once you are being smart priced you just stop running traffic to your arbitrage sites for about a week. After that week adsense will re-evaluate your account based on your legitimate sites and you shouldn't be smart priced anymore.
alrightpeter said:
The only way out of it is to have at least one legitimate site in your adsense account. Once you are being smart priced you just stop running traffic to your arbitrage sites for about a week. After that week adsense will re-evaluate your account based on your legitimate sites and you shouldn't be smart priced anymore.
are you sure it re-evaluates every week? where did you get this number?
(not trying to question your credibility)
oh boy,...that would suck...i need to get a legit site or YPN=(. what if i have nothign running? wouldnt it simply be 0/0? would that fix smart pricing?
alrightpeter what are you talking about, juniodude try something before asking 20 thousand questions first? not in this lifetime. He would make a great planning officer in the military, not to bright but full of piss and vineagar.

Juniodude you rock man!
one of the easiest ways for arbitragers to avoid smart pricing is the be careful of the keywords and traffic you are sending to you site.

Example - do not send myspace keyword traffic to your mortgage arbitrage site. Keep you keywords relevant and you should be ok. I have only been smart priced a handful of times, but each time it was because of my non-arbitrage sites.

If you have arcade sites, humor, myspace sites you may want to consider sticking those on a different account seperate from your arbitrage sites "not to bright"=(. I guess thats me. but yeah, i do rock even with my annoying questions, hopefully. oh and by the way, i ask these stupid questions not because I'm too lazy to test stuff out, i just ask it because i figure if someone knows the answer and is willing to share, why go through the trouble? eh..maybe that is stupid reasoning=( i hate my life. huff

Thanks for all the comments guys.
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Juniodude, I avoid smart pricing by standing on 1 foot and working with the oposite hand while spinning in circles under 7 inches of water, it works every time!
DanNicol said:
one of the easiest ways for arbitragers to avoid smart pricing is the be careful of the keywords and traffic you are sending to you site.

Example - do not send myspace keyword traffic to your mortgage arbitrage site. Keep you keywords relevant and you should be ok. I have only been smart priced a handful of times, but each time it was because of my non-arbitrage sites.

If you have arcade sites, humor, myspace sites you may want to consider sticking those on a different account seperate from your arbitrage sites

should I have a problem with smart pricing on arbitrage sites? i.e. 7search traffic likely to cause smart pricing?
I don't think so as long as you are sending targetted traffic. As stated above don't send dating traffic keywords to a mortgage site or something like that.

If you have a mortgage site use mortgage keywords and you should be fine.
Jdog said:
I don't think so as long as you are sending targetted traffic. As stated above don't send dating traffic keywords to a mortgage site or something like that.

If you have a mortgage site use mortgage keywords and you should be fine.

exactly -

what you dont want to do is to send the keyword "hot girls" because you get the click for .01 to your credit card niche.

Stanley, By traffic quality I meant - dont send those bulk traffic buys to your adsense accounts. You know the ones - 10,000 visitors for 5.99
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