How To Approach Women And Get A Kiss Close

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New member
Aug 21, 2007
[ame=]YouTube - 1. Richard Approaches Blond and goes for the K close - David Deangelo[/ame]

notice how she's totally aware of the guy's approaching bit by bit but she feels uncomfortable of being forced to back off and stays
i'm hope to use this tactic soon...

fuck PS: i just noticed she bites her lips through the end of video, thats an absolute sign of i "may" f... this guy in my book ...:love-smiley-087:
good pick up example , thanks for video...
Where is the kiss close? I could feel towards the end it was getting awkward.
Building value through talking about his travels, and kino through touching the ears. I don't see sexual tension at all, and getting a phone number in that situation is going to be flakey. His best bet was to get her to cafe there and then or at least do a phone breaker rehearsal to stop flakiness.
The end was way awkward.

"What kind of tooth paste do you use?"
feels like a job interview. but i applaud him for having the balls to approach a girl like that. very weird, awkward and not natural
Who's this guy? One of Mystery's "students?" :rolleyes:

The whole thing felt forced and I didn't see any good signs from her. Add to that, this has got to be the worst way to approach a woman...and I don't think she'll be going on that date with him when he calls her.
Not impressive at all. This is better.

[ame=]YouTube - AFC Adam Girl in the street LIVE PICK UP on Channel 4 TV[/ame]
She walked off thinking the dude as a lame weirdo. And this is coming from a "PUA".
LOL.. Wicked...
This one is definitely better!

[ame=]Keys to the VIP Faxe vs Cajun[/ame]

See the guy Cajun. He picks up good looking women in bars.

WTF, how was that better? that was fuckin pathetic.
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