How to add a blank line between every word in a list?


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
Hi guys,

Couldn't think of anywhere else to put this..

So I have a list of 1000 words - I want to add a blank line between each word

for example my list looks like this


I wanna make it





I would go crazy if I tried to do it manually, and I have more lists that I need this done with as well..

So is there any tool, script, excel or word command or whatever which can get this done on the fly? Any help would be really appreciated..

This will take about 5 minutes including download and installation if you don't have Notepad++ already.

Step 1: Get Notepad++.
Step 2: Load one of your text files.
Step 3: Go to Macro -> Start Recording.
Step 4: Start on the far left of the first line and press down then enter.
Step 5: Go to Macro -> Stop Recording.
Step 6: Go to Macro -> Save Current Recorded Macro. Name it line spacer or something.
Step 7: To use the macro, start at the beginning of one your text files. Then go to Macro -> Run a Macro Multiple Times, choose your macro name from the pull down list, and then choose the Run until the end of file radio button.

You'll only need to do Step 7 for future files.
find '\n'
replace with '\n\n'

or '\r\n'->'\r\n\r\n'
for windows format
Paste all the data into Column "A" in Excel.

Create this Macro:

Sub InsertRowAfterEveryRowWithEntryInColA()
'Ist declare your variable "Cell"
Dim Cell As Range 
'Set it's start value - this determines what column is checked
Set Cell = Range("A2")
'set a loop endpoint = when it reaches a blank cell
Do Until Cell = ""
'Insert a row
'Go to next row
Set Cell = Cell.Offset(1, 0)
'Repeat loop (goes back to the "Do" line
'Finishes when it reaches 1st blank cell in column A
End Sub
Select the entire column and the run the macro.