How the F do CPC turn into real sales in an afordable rate !!


New member
Jun 28, 2010
My Yammi, FL
:angryfire: Some little Jerkoff from Google just called me. He wanted to give a little song and dance about CPCs and picking better keywords. His whole schpeal was the higher price keywords have 10 to 20 % action rate. That all fine and dandy but my business has between a 10 and 20% close rate, so I need 100 to 200 CPC at 20 USD per CPC. That is 1 to 2 K per closed web lead, WFT am I missing here ?

wow you suck at expressing yourself through words

regardless, better keywords that cost more usually CONVERT better, thats why they are expensive

would you rather pay a lower CPC on keywords that never convert?
Sorry; I was a little red in the face when I posted the thread. I would not rather pay for words that do not convert just at 2k per closed lead you need to have a yield or blended margin of more than that per sale to keep the lights on. Looks great for the CPC vendor but I don't see the compelling business reason to loose money.
You need to maximize your CPC to get the best CPC possible. Your CPC advertising depends on a good CPC. The better your CPC, the lower your CPC will be in the end. You need a good relevance score to decrease your CPC, and then you will see your CPCs will go up and you will get more conversions, which also helps CPCs. Google needs to see good CPCs or else they will charge more and your CPCs will be 0.
You need to maximize your CPC to get the best CPC possible. Your CPC advertising depends on a good CPC. The better your CPC, the lower your CPC will be in the end. You need a good relevance score to decrease your CPC, and then you will see your CPCs will go up and you will get more conversions, which also helps CPCs. Google needs to see good CPCs or else they will charge more and your CPCs will be 0.

cpc mushrooms!!
Haha, don't listen to Google reps. They're usually under paid lackeys that just take what the computer tells them and repeat it to you over the phone. If what you're doing works, stick with it.
If the guys calling you at google were good at managing PPC campaigns they'd:

be a dedicated account rep to a much larger account than yours (no offense)

be working for a reputable full service PPC management company


think about it..