How soon before stats update?


New member
Dec 22, 2007
How long does it usually take for affiliate networks to update the campaign stats when a conversion is made?

I tested one of the AN to see if it would convert and nothing converted... either the AN is scamming or they blocked the IP, which could it be...
OP - There is a good chance they are blocking your IP.

Also, you may want to ask your AM about testing an offer so that they don't think you're trying to send fake leads.

In terms of delay, it's worth mentioning that CJ is >1 hr. They say 2 - 6 hours, but in actuality, it comes in less than that. Still annoying if you're running PPC...
Most tracking systems report in near real time. Sometimes campaigns are purposefuly setup to not report in real time so that the advertiser has the ability to scrub on the backend before reporting a conversion. What type of an offer is it?