How Smart do I have to Be?


New member
Dec 8, 2009
How important is it to have a ton of knowledge about design/programming stuff? I mean obviously there seems to be a fair amount that's required doing things like capture pages etc., but is it important to be able to do that yourself? Or is that something that works just as well to outsource...freeing up more time to spend on other things like generating traffic or whatever?

The reason I seems like a lot of guys have some pretty "in depth" knowledge when it comes to coding that cause its important? Or is it just cause there are a lot of nerdy people in this industry?

Haha. It's good to be able to work Photoslop and edit some PHP, but I'm blown away sometimes when I find out some people don't know any web programming at all. If you don't know PHP, it's really not hard. It'll help immensely to go through some tutorials, but most of the time PHP seems to just be used in copy+paste snippets where I'm recycling stuff I used before or whatever.

Depends on what you're doing though, mostly. If you're doing SEO and a lot of website work, you'll use PHP and HTML a lot more. If you're doing CPA it doesn't appear nearly as often.

I promise though, you just pick it up as you go along.
How smart were you to choose among different items from the menu?
How smart ass were you to find out the difference between sun and moon?

In this regard too, learn what you need to. Do not learn because some hot headed is ranting about that.

Find your strength and try to improve it.
learn what you need to

Exactly. When I started working on my big website a couple of years ago, I went crazy learning PHP, MySQL, CSS, how to normalize a database, all that fun stuff.

Now, I love a good database normalization book, but who cares if you're not getting traffic? I should have stopped studying and released early, released often, got traffic, THEN figure out how optimize it or hire someone else to optimize the server.

I wasted time learning that when it's the marketing aspect that we talk about here that's more important.

If you find that CSS keeps coming up over and over in your endeavors, then learn it. But don't bother if you don't need to.
... and released early, released often.

Definitely been there. ;)

Seriously though, this is exactly what I wanted to say. I think you have to be smart (or at least be willing to put forth some serious effort) but the knowledge will come. I doubt anyone on wickedfire feels like they've learned everything they need/want.

Your dad's gay.

but hey itz da 90s amirite LOLs Mrs. Doubtfire

Despite being equivocal I really do think these kinds of topics are important. There are plenty of technical AM blogs but I always wonder how other people think when it comes to this stuff, their habits and everything.