How should i spend this $1k?


New member
Jan 6, 2010
I'm a vendor with a sales page that's converting at 14% in its opening month.

I contacted a blog owner who ranks well in my niche about distributing a sales email to his list...

he said the costing would be $950 for 2 emails spread over a two week period as he only emails out one content/promotional email per week to his list...

his list is 19.5k opted in.

Is this a good idea for me to buy this offer?

I had a JV with a guy who blasted to 36k on his list and his initial conversions were 23% but since dropped to 13...

I'm just wondering is there a better way to spend this grand to get conversions?

Not enough info mrey...

19.5k list opted in doesn't mean anything. The responsiveness of the list means everything...

The ONLY answer is test and figure it out. *Tip: See if you can work out a deal to test smaller (if the $1k will break you).

You always have to test. If it's converting at 14%, that's very great IMO. Depends on how much you are making. If at 19500 visitors at your rate of 14%, you're looking at about 2730 people converting. what ever you are offering, if it's more than $1, sounds like you're going to be in the black with it. But again, just because one set of traffic converts at 14%, doesn't mean that other type of traffic will do the same.

As for the JV, the reason his initial blast was 23% then dropped to 13% is because he is blasting the same list, so people are probably not going to after it again.

It's like re-running the same commercial, people get tired. I always think of switching it up the traffic, and different resources. Eventually you might hit a gold mine. You'll never know, until you try.
I'm a vendor with a sales page that's converting at 14% in its opening month.

I contacted a blog owner who ranks well in my niche about distributing a sales email to his list...

he said the costing would be $950 for 2 emails spread over a two week period as he only emails out one content/promotional email per week to his list...

his list is 19.5k opted in.

Is this a good idea for me to buy this offer?

I had a JV with a guy who blasted to 36k on his list and his initial conversions were 23% but since dropped to 13...

I'm just wondering is there a better way to spend this grand to get conversions?

Sorry i missed out some info here, his list has an average of 25% open rate
Okay, so at 19500 with a 25% open rate and a 14% conversion, you are looking at probably 682 people converting, if 100% of those people that open go to your offer.
You need to know the average click through rate.

Lets say of the 25% that open, only 10% of them click through = 488 people visit your site. At 14% conversion you are looking at 68 people converting. If you are spending $950 you need to make about $14 per person in order to break even. I don't know how much you are making for the offer, but if you are making a high commission, and can get more than 10% to click thru, it would make sense.

It's math, there are some stuff that I'm guess at, like the 10% click through rate. And again, just because one type of traffic converts at 14% doesn't mean this other type will.
That's a crappy open rate for double opt in small ass list.

really depends on the market... that's pretty dang good especially in the IM niche..

not sure why you say it's small ass, you must be a real baller. i know guys that make $300K a year with a list that size, so to me that's not exactly small, +10K responsive well maintained list is worth 6 figure.
Okay, so at 19500 with a 25% open rate and a 14% conversion, you are looking at probably 682 people converting, if 100% of those people that open go to your offer.
You need to know the average click through rate.

Lets say of the 25% that open, only 10% of them click through = 488 people visit your site. At 14% conversion you are looking at 68 people converting. If you are spending $950 you need to make about $14 per person in order to break even. I don't know how much you are making for the offer, but if you are making a high commission, and can get more than 10% to click thru, it would make sense.

It's math, there are some stuff that I'm guess at, like the 10% click through rate. And again, just because one type of traffic converts at 14% doesn't mean this other type will.

thanks, well my product bills are $47 with a $77 upsell (90%) of which go for

really depends on the market... that's pretty dang good especially in the IM niche..

not sure why you say it's small ass, you must be a real baller. i know guys that make $300K a year with a list that size, so to me that's not exactly small, +10K responsive well maintained list is worth 6 figure.

mens dating tips/seduction niche
why dont you just offer him a large % of the sales price to reduce your risk

his reasoning in a nutshell is that he wants proof that the sales convert before he promotes as an affiliate... but it's kind of a contradiction because he's willing to allow a new marketter aslong as they pay to blast to his list... it seems as if i send payment first then he reviews the material after