How should I invest $300 into AM?


New member
Jun 18, 2009
United States
I don't have much more than that to spend. How can I maximize my profit in order to afford more campaigns? I can design and code decently. I already have two or three sites and hosting which I've experimented with. I've never tried PPC before.


PPC: Go read the thread stickied in this section titled "Warning to newbies". Go read that, and do what it says. hint: try shit.

- Just to add something else. Take your $300 and kiss it good bye. This is going to be your educational capital. Don't have ANY emotional attachment to it - but on the flip side dont spend it like a fucking moron.

SEO: All you really need to do is pay for hosting to get started. I recommend you do PPC so you can test markets before investing the time to SEO the fuck out of it. But to each his own.
Hit Yahoo to advertise on first. Play with some super simple offers on some extremely targeted keywords and optimize your LP for the keyword dynamically.

$300 should take a week to spend on a $40/day budget and you should be able to find a $4-10 leadgen offer that will gross $300-350.

Don't expect good ROI until you optimize.
Try with very targeted keyphrases on adwords (it's always worth despite most of others could say no) or FB ads.
Hit Yahoo to advertise on first. Play with some super simple offers on some extremely targeted keywords and optimize your LP for the keyword dynamically.

$300 should take a week to spend on a $40/day budget and you should be able to find a $4-10 leadgen offer that will gross $300-350.

Don't expect good ROI until you optimize.

Should I use an offer which requires the person to pay or a free offer?
Try with very targeted keyphrases on adwords (it's always worth despite most of others could say no) or FB ads.

$300 isn't going to make you shit on FB. Adwords is not where you want to start out with PPC when you only have $300

Should I use an offer which requires the person to pay or a free offer?

Lead-based offers. Fill out this form to... type shit.
Are you kidding? EPN? lulz

You really think PPC lead gen is the way to go for a newb with 300 bucks?

He'll blow through the 300 bucks in a week like you said, and let's pretend he's a natural at copy writing (which he probably isnt) he still won't have narrowed down his profitable keywords until the last three days (give or take) so even if he hit 50% ROI on those profitable days (which he probably won't) he may bring in $180 bucks off his original $300. In the meantime he puts his campaign on hold while he waits for a payout the next month, so that's maybe 4 to 6 weeks with his dick in his hand before he can even get back in the game. And that's an extremely extremely optimistic scenario.

He didn't say he was carving out 3 hundy from his monthly budget, if he did, I'd agree with you, he should start paying his PPC tuition. But if it's a one time shot from his dead grandmother's inheritance or some shit why not point him in the direction of something that will keep him engaged until he can dedicate more than a few hundred bucks for a one time experiment? I agree EPN is a joke, it's a nice shot of beer money for me from a few sites I don't touch anymore but you would have to put in serious effort to not make money with a2p.
as far as I've seen a2p sites have potential, but some will randomly fail with no apparent reason.

my idea would be:
- buy a2p for 79$ ( coupon on the home page )
- buy monthly hosting with unlimited domains, costs slightly more but you don't burn 1/3 of your budget upfront ( use the link in my sign to send me some affiliate love )
- buy 20-30 info domains at godaddy, when you buy in bulk you get free privacy protection on them ( infos cost $0.89 on godaddy )
- depending on the niches you pick don't use only EPN to monetize these sites

I'm not sure it would work, but you have plenty of room to test and you still have ~$ 180-190 in your pocket to do something else ;)
Collect coupons for as many traffic sources as possible and test out some stuff, or try to copy something that works.

Build a couple LP's, learn how to split test on prosper and the rest fo the system for tracking. Then save more money and test stuff. Its a bitch.
I think the ideas in here are all legit, except EPN, it's a fools game for a newbie.

I'll put up $300 into my strategy, document it here, etc., if two others are willing to do the same. See where the chips fall! Interested?
I think the ideas in here are all legit, except EPN, it's a fools game for a newbie.

I'll put up $300 into my strategy, document it here, etc., if two others are willing to do the same. See where the chips fall! Interested?

Dooooooo it man, that would be fucking ballin.
Run a profitable campaign then re-invest that money into more campaigns.

No shit sherlock but that's the answer you're looking for.
I'll put up $300 into my strategy, document it here, etc., if two others are willing to do the same. See where the chips fall! Interested?

I'm in, I'm going to do your plan and mine, regardless of the outcome, I'll end up with either money, knowledge, or both.
I dont feel anyone can tell you what to do. Keep reading forums like this, check out some of the popular blogs and listen to your gut. What works for one person is often wrong for another, but in general be prepared for long hard work. If it was easy, we'd all be gazbillionaires :)
I'm in, I'm going to do your plan and mine, regardless of the outcome, I'll end up with either money, knowledge, or both.

The reason I'm anti-EPN isn't because it's gone to shit, for a lot of people it hasn't. The reason I'm anti-EPN for a noob is that in order to get approval, they need to have a site done, populated, and user-centric, not just a mass of links to Ebay.

He'll wait 3 weeks to be denied for some silly reason, then give it up.

He sticks it on YSM and plays with a few ultra safe strategies, he won't make shit for profit, but will likely break even at least, and now has the know-how to start figuring things out on his own. CPL is the easiest offer type in the world to close assuming you do it properly.

Keep in mind that he won't see earnings from EPN for damn near a month AFTER he's earned them, so I don't see how he's getting ahead doing that.
PPC with $300 dont even think about it

spend your money on lead generation lets do a simple calculation

good ROI =$250