How SEO_Mike & Wickedfire made me over $243 since Saturday!!

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
Hi everybody.
I just posted this to amp myself up and to perhaps give people some encouragement. I started seriously UTILIZING some of the suggestions I have read on Wickedfire and I have made this much so far - yes it is chicken change compared to what some folks are making weekly but it feels good!

SEO Mike is the man and Wickedfire rocks. If you do what these guys say you will make money.

Now I am still very frustrated because most of this income came from some view viral marketing tricks I learned back in the day when I worked for a very suit-and-tie type of internet company in merry old Westport, CT of all places!!

What I have learned so far:

1) My prestigious degrees are working against me. If you want to make money you have to learn how to see things the way the "average" person does. Yes people really DO type in literally "www dot google dot com" into search engines, lol! Street smarts counts probably more than book smarts when you are starting out

2) Learn the PPC game. This is really stumping me, but I know once I crack this nut (no lame jokes here please, lol) I will be on my way to a vacation home in the south of France, lol

3) LISTEN TO WHAT THE SENIOR MEMBER HERE SAY and ASK QUESTION and DO IT!! I'm trying to do this everyday

4) Read offline and online stuff - someone here suggested "The Psychology of Persuasion" also "Think and Grow Rich" as well. I've read the latter and shall read the former soon. Yes people do really click more when you say dumb rubbish like "LIMITED time offer ends in 24 hours" (lol yes, like the business is going to not accept money after 24 hours".

I will be PM a copy of my earnings to certain people, don't really want to put my business out like that.

I am still going to have to work hard to do well in PPC but that is going to work too. So thanks Jon and SEO Mikes and others for helping a girl out!!

Not bad for a newbie's 1st week, huh? :)

Well, without letting the cat out of the bag, I just found some stuff that I was interested in.

I tried one or two iffy methods for a while seeing if there was money to be made on stupid people - of course there is...
But I realized from the instant change in my daily commission status that there is alot more money to be made in "helping" people vs. "selling to them" or scamming them.

Plus, I like to think big so I figure once I get the guerilla tactics down, it will be alot easier to switch hats and do things from a more corporate prospective.

Please note, I don't know jack shit (sorry for the cursing, it's not very lady like...)

I just read - intently - the posts of successful people here and suspended my doubt and just tried it. So if I can make a couple of hundred, just from that imagine the potential we n00bs have by REALLY paying attention to what the smart guys here say.

There are millions of keyword niches. You can make money off of just one keyword if you are smart (I've done some testing and am tweaking it at the moment).

Right now I am focusing on trying to find the people who REALLY want my offers and give it to them, versus trying to force feed offers down any tom, dick and harry's throat.
It seems your prestigious degree didn't help you with correctly embedding images ;)

Good stuff though, keep working at it.
Well that is why I specifically mentioned that I have "prestigious degree". I know far too many people who wrongly assumed that that's all it takes.

If you come from humble beginnings then are able to travel in those circles you believe that too.

I'm doing this stuff because I am tired of the rat race of corporate life and I know there are some people who can barely spell here that make more money at home that Goldman Sachs derivative traders!

I just did this to try to ad some value to the community because i know for me it's far more convincing to read about people's successes than failures.

Granted, it won't buy me a Castles or Jets right NOW, but I am well on my way....
sounds encouraging :D, i cant wait to get started... ironicly im postponing any projects until my exams are over ^^.
1) My prestigious degrees are working against me. If you want to make money you have to learn how to see things the way the "average" person does. Yes people really DO type in literally "www dot google dot com" into search engines, lol! Street smarts counts probably more than book smarts when you are starting out

So true. I mean I've been developping database-driven websites for so long. The way I use search engines now is pretty much the way I would query a database and that's far more different than the average person.

Having a website with decent traffic helps you find out how people search the web. You'd be surprised.
Yes SEO Mike is really good at SEO, i have picked up some Gems from his posts and articles, especially his article about starting developing a test messaging website from scratch and getting traffic to the site via Google et al.
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