How quick to setup a PPV campaign+tracking?


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Trying to do some rough back of the napkin calculations here...

How long do you estimate it would take someone with solid photoshop experience, decent web design/coding/computer experience to setup:
-Bevo self-hosted (on rackspace cloud)
-A few customized landers for email submits (no fancy offers or email capture for list building)

And then get it all running.

Never used Bevo or DirectCPV before so I'm trying to figure out how much time I need to carve out for myself. And yes smartasses, I know I could "just do it and time myself." The point is my schedule is fucking busy and I need to take into consideration opportunity cost.

Uhh, not to be a "smartass", but this is so vague, if you're fairly quick could take a few hours, if you're a dumbass, could take a couple days, I'm guessing based on your post, you're going to be spending a few days. Really, it's not about opportunity cost, I don't know what the hell you do (assuming you're a designer) but if you spend a few weeks, maybe lose a few hundy, and stay aggressive you can easily make some decent money.

Now quit wasting time budgeting your time and just get to work.
FYI, the other work I do involves hourly pay, hence the opportunity cost. All I'm trying to figure out is rough time to set that stuff up, and yes I realize its vague.
The time you wasted thinking of all the shit you need to do, writing it down, then creating this post, waiting for replies, replying back... you could made a campaign.
different marketers would have different answers. some have development "secrets" and will only take a couple of hours or minutes for the others maybe days. best thing is to take a day off from your regular work & do one yourself to see how fast it takes.
The time you wasted thinking of all the shit you need to do, writing it down, then creating this post, waiting for replies, replying back... you could made a campaign.

Well I guess that sums it up right there. FYI, halfway through the setup of things now. Waiting for some approvals--yay networks who don't work weekends.

Hopefully the hosted version of Bevo can handle some super small volume of PPV traffic and then I'll switch it to the self-hosted on the rackspace cloud.