How often do you guys go clubbing?


New member
Aug 21, 2007
My group of friends love clubbing so much that they go clubbing every Friday and Saturday nights. Initially it's fun, but after years of doing this, I become very bored with the night scenes. It's always the same thing over and over again. Plus, after a night of getting wasted, the next day I will be unproductive. I am starting to avoid them because every time I meet them for dinners and such, what happens afterwards is that they'll ask me to clubs. Not only that, but one night of clubbing here costs me around 150 bucks (bottle service).

I used too but now I only go out for birthdays. Your bottle service is only $150? Man I wish. I live in a city with the highest concentration of night clubs per square foot in North America and possibly the world. $150 bottle service is but a sweet dream.
Bottle service is around 2.5k, we split the cost, so that'll be around 150 per person.

I used too but now I only go out for birthdays. Your bottle service is only $150? Man I wish. I live in a city with the highest concentration of night clubs per square foot in North America and possibly the world. $150 bottle service is but a sweet dream.
I used too but now I only go out for birthdays. Your bottle service is only $150? Man I wish. I live in a city with the highest concentration of night clubs per square foot in North America and possibly the world. $150 bottle service is but a sweet dream.

Why so? More competition should mean cheaper price? Maybe there is some kind of illegal agreement between those clubs? Or maybe the rent, utilities, etc are expensive?
often as I can, it's a really good workout, despite what people tell you.

Very rarely... No need to grab any new women, phone is already phone from just taking advantage of every moment (shopping, parks, bars, etc). Not interested in paying for overpriced drinks, and trying to look elite in front of a bunch of the same people who party every night and are 30K millionaires.. The club scene in my area is horrible anyways, all the women are poor, trashy, they all have kids or stds, etc.

When I used to go out, all the expensive/top notch clubs where alive, now they have closed their doors. We used to always get VIP tables, a few bottles, etc. And the women were hand picked, 8/10 minimum just to get inside. Now that those places are gone, it's not even worth going anymore.. So we just hit up bars now, no clubs. And usually invite people over to my place too.
Not often, maybe once every couple months? Used to be fun when I was like 19 or 22, but it's kinda worn off now. I'd rather just have some good people over to the house for BBQ and drinks now.
I used to go clubbing every week when i was 17-23. But now i guess, once in every few months coz we usually chilling out at home.
Bottle service is around 2.5k, we split the cost, so that'll be around 150 per person.

$2,500 for one bottle? What are they serving that makes it that expensive? Here at a good club a bottle of Moet is ~$100 and a bottle of Russian standard and 6-7 red bulls is about the same price.
$2,500 for one bottle? What are they serving that makes it that expensive? Here at a good club a bottle of Moet is ~$100 and a bottle of Russian standard and 6-7 red bulls is about the same price.

Srs screw that... Maybe seldom vactional Vegas prices, but not hometown spending.. Around here $400 is the VIP table, two bottles, orange juice, and campaign. Enough to serve a group of 6-7, and that's the most expensive club..
Bottle service is around 2.5k, we split the cost, so that'll be around 150 per person.

You do bottle service with 16 people?!?!

Dude, bottle service is about two, maybe three single guys going to a club and pulling bitches all night long. $2k won't even get 10 people into a peasant club in Vegas on the same table.

Maybe the Philippines is more your taste, P1,000 per bottle ($24) and you're a "baller". Peasant it up with the $25-50 whores while you're at it :thefinger:
$2500 for three large bottles (Martel, vodka, etc) with "free" mixers/shakers. 2.5k is the minimum price to book a table. Yeah, we can get in 16 people (50% guys, 50% gals) since we know the promoters. Girls don't/can't drink much.

$2,500 for one bottle? What are they serving that makes it that expensive? Here at a good club a bottle of Moet is ~$100 and a bottle of Russian standard and 6-7 red bulls is about the same price.
I guess I need to change friends because boy they do love clubbing. Most of them are in their late 20s.

I stopped going out like that a few years ago for the reasons you described. I keep in touch with the friends I care about by hanging out during the day sometimes for lunch, etc.
It's social circle game. The core of this group is three to four guys including me. We bring in guys and girls from our social circle and party together. We hope to find decent girls to bang and perhaps to get one as a girlfriend. But till now we have found none, since its pretty hard to find a good looking girl here in Singapore. The best looking girl in our social circle is from another country. My and my friends have tried to get into her pants, but so far we failed. And the rest of the girls are not even worth banging. I guess it's time to ditch this group.

You do bottle service with 16 people?!?!

Dude, bottle service is about two, maybe three single guys going to a club and pulling bitches all night long. $2k won't even get 10 people into a peasant club in Vegas on the same table.

Maybe the Philippines is more your taste, P1,000 per bottle ($24) and you're a "baller". Peasant it up with the $25-50 whores while you're at it :thefinger:
I don't understand what you're saying, dawg.

Very rarely... No need to grab any new women, phone is already phone from just taking advantage of every moment (shopping, parks, bars, etc). Not interested in paying for overpriced drinks, and trying to look elite in front of a bunch of the same people who party every night and are 30K millionaires.. The club scene in my area is horrible anyways, all the women are poor, trashy, they all have kids or stds, etc.

When I used to go out, all the expensive/top notch clubs where alive, now they have closed their doors. We used to always get VIP tables, a few bottles, etc. And the women were hand picked, 8/10 minimum just to get inside. Now that those places are gone, it's not even worth going anymore.. So we just hit up bars now, no clubs. And usually invite people over to my place too.
Buying overpriced drinks and still not getting laid with women from my social circle is really frustrating. I only want one girl but she doesn't bite. I am starting to think that spending that money on hookers is a better idea.

Srs screw that... Maybe seldom vactional Vegas prices, but not hometown spending.. Around here $400 is the VIP table, two bottles, orange juice, and campaign. Enough to serve a group of 6-7, and that's the most expensive club..
Buying overpriced drinks and still not getting laid with women from my social circle is really frustrating. I only want one girl but she doesn't bite. I am starting to think that spending that money on hookers is a better idea.


You got this all wrong.

If you get bottle service, the girls see you as a provider and will go fuck other guys while they drink on your tab. There are exceptions of course, but you don't seem to be one.

To get laid while clubbing you have to go out with 1-3 friends and go talk to girls. Don't just talk to your social circle. Also if you want to be more productive don't drink when you go out. It is perfectly fine to socialize without getting wasted.

Personally I prefer to do a few months of being really productive with no alcohol and then go all out on a short holiday to get it out of my system again for a while.

But please stop buying girls alcohol trying to get in their pants. Might as well just buy a hooker.