How much SEO is enough?


New member
Oct 28, 2011
This a thread about my authority site. Starting 2012 it will have five 500 - 2,000 unique high quality word articles a week.

The revenue is going to be generated from Adsense, clickbank, Amazon and random offers from emails for in-links, custom articles and whatever they are paying for :)

What I would like to know is how much should be spent on SEO to promote this amount of content?

What types of SEO should be focused social, mass back links, high pr back links or something else?

This a thread about my authority site. Starting 2012 it will have five 500 - 2,000 unique high quality word articles a week.

The revenue is going to be generated from Adsense, clickbank, Amazon and random offers from emails for in-links, custom articles and whatever they are paying for :)

What I would like to know is how much should be spent on SEO to promote this amount of content?

What types of SEO should be focused social, mass back links, high pr back links or something else?

There are no hard and fast rules on how much money it will take to rank a site. It's like asking "how much will it cost to build a house?" There are too many variables, known and unknown to answer that question.

As far as "types of SEO", I'd recommend as diverse a profile as you can manage. Look at your competition, analyze their backlink profiles, match and exceed.
A bit more information, the site is currently PR 2 and has about 300 do follow links PR0 and 30 links between PR 3-5 and one on PR6 with about 30 OBL.

The site is about 2 years old.
There are no hard and fast rules on how much money it will take to rank a site. It's like asking "how much will it cost to build a house?" There are too many variables, known and unknown to answer that question.

Well some of the keywords are very easy to rank for while other ones will be very difficult. Right now the SEO building has been done to rank well for the easy KW.

There will be no fast way to rank for the harder keywords. The KW isn't as hard a 'car' or 'laptop' but close like 'portable laptops'

Just interested in some long term SEO building techniques that could help rank well for the tough KW in a few months.
A bit more information, the site is currently PR 2 and has about 300 do follow links PR0 and 30 links between PR 3-5 and one on PR6 with about 30 OBL.

The site is about 2 years old.

I was trying to tell you that you will not find an answer to that question, because it's not really a question. What you should be thinking about is your monetization strategy for this site: are there offers that are converting currently? Will AdSense serve enough relevant ads to be a plausible monetization tactic? etc. Also ask yourself how much revenue you think this site is going to generate, and then decide how much money you are willing to spend to make it rank. It all depends on your risk tolerance and patience.
Ok ok, I have a more specific question then from using SerIQ:

550,000 global exact match searches per month. That is approximately 18,333 global searches daily. The #1 result should expect about 7,333 organic visitors daily or about 220,000 organic visitors monthly from this keyword.

My rank is 44 Average competition rank 57

My site isn't listed in the top 10.

The number 8th spot is held by a site with 8k domain backlinks 10 url backlinks and a Domain Page rank of 6. The website is less than one year old and has a mozRANK of 0.

So to beat this specific site what should I do? 10k backlinks and try to raise PR to 6?
You have done enough SEO when you get the rank you want.

That's as specific as we can get. That's as specific as it gets.

10k links might not be enough. 2k links might be more than enough.

You'll only know when you hit number 1.

Stop worrying about 'will this be enough' and start focussing on 'what do I need to do with my site next?'
Yes, maybe it is better to say how can I improve my sites authority through SEO services on these forums?

I have ordered a few but not sure what I should be doing for my site. Don't want to get unlisted by google, I do have a 2nd site that links to my main site for that stuff though :)

Spending about $100 a month what are some recommended services to build domain authority? So when a new article on my site shows up and other sites make a similar post mine won't drop as far...

Stop worrying about 'will this be enough' and start focussing on 'what do I need to do with my site next?'

With my site the content is being written (4 writers doing 5 articles a week), one web design team and one web designer working on the features, getting 1-2$ per click with adsense also have a few affiliate products I am experimenting with... All that is left for my site is to make sure the SEO is good :)
To make your website an authority website to have to put in huge efforts. Just buying services won't earn authority status for your website.

Moreover, authority status cannot be earned in a week, month or in a year... It takes huge time, efforts and patience.

So, first of all, optimize your website for high traffic by offering good content. Now, it depends on you, whether you want to write content yourself or want to hire for the same.