how much per click are you paying at myspace?

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New member
May 3, 2008
i know im probably paying a shit ton more than i should right now but all this traffic seems really crappy. like it wouldnt even be worth it at 10 cents a click.

easily spent over 1,400$ yesterday on myspace traffic which came out to about 40 cents a click 4,000 clicks. 50 click throughs and 1 sale. lol ive tried 3 different landers right now and all 3 are different methods. either way i seem to have an abnormally huge bounce rate problem right now.

is there a certain kind of marketing that should be used towards this kind of traffic? and yes before anyone asks the best thing ive got to work with this traffic so far is the blog lander. but it dint improve by much at all. is it mostly in the ads or lander that sells your product? i have a lander that killed in the search engines and a blog lander that has killed in the search engines as well but once i throw myspace traffic at i might as well burn money.

so should i be bidding less than 40 cents a click? and better yet even if i was bidding 10 cents a click i dont think i could even make a profit even then the bounce rate / drop off rate is huge is this the same for anyone else?

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